A world where diverse, healthy and sustainable food and agricultural systems flourish, where resilient rural and urban communities enjoy a high quality of life in dignity, equity, free from hunger and poverty.

Family farming is essential to achieve this vision.
Sensible policies, programs and regulations considering the needs of present and future generations must protect and expand the agency, inclusion and economic capacity of family farmers, putting their diversity at the centre of sustainable development and contributing to the Agenda 2030.

This journey must start now.

The Pillars

To achieve this vision, the Global Action Plan of the UNDFF provides detailed guidance for the international community on collective and coherent actions that can be taken to support family farmers. It outlines a comprehensive approach to support efforts to achieve the SDGs, in the context of the progressive realization of the Right to Adequate Food.
Designed around seven mutually reinforcing pillars of work, the Global Action Plan recommends a series of interconnected actions from the local to the global level. Any interventions developed during the UNDFF must always consider the diversity of family farmers. They should be context-specific, adapted to regional, national, local socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions. To guarantee the success of the UNDFF, all actions should place family farmers at the centre and be implemented through bottom-up, participatory and inclusive processes.

Pillar 01

Develop an enabling policy environment to strengthen family farming

Building an enabling political, social and economic environment based on the solid and sustained commitment of all relevant actors is a prerequisite for family farmers to be able to lead the transformation towards more sustainable, healthy and nutritious food and agricultural systems.

An enabling environment means that there are adequate resources and that governance and institutional arrangements are effective and inclusive. Family farmers and their organizations must have the opportunity to engage fully in multi-sectoral and multi-actor mechanisms, platforms and policy processes, as well as in advocacy and awareness-raising activities.

Inclusive processes, real commitments and stronger partnerships will lead to a shift from traditional sectoral policies to comprehensive, context-specific strategies and programmes that adequately support family farmers and their multi-dimensional nature.


  • Implement comprehensive and coherent policies, investments and institutional frameworks that support family farming at local, national and international levels.
  • Promote inclusive and effective governance mechanisms and timely and geographically relevant data for well-targeted policy design and implementation.
  • Guarantee sustained political commitment and adequate resourcing by state and non-state actors.
  • Create and strengthen local, national and international cooperation in support of family farming.

Pillar 02

Support youth and ensure the generational sustainability of family farming.

The entry of young people into farming is widely recognized as a key driver in fostering agriculture and food production and maintaining the vitality of rural areas. However, young people who aspire to a future in farming currently face multiple structural and institutional barriers.
To guarantee the generational sustainability of agriculture, it is vital to promote mechanisms that facilitate the intergenerational transfer of tangible and intangible farming assets.
Incentivising youth to enter farming will ensure continuous innovation, help revitalise rural areas and lead to reframe society’s perception of family farming as a dynamic sector with constant renewal capacity.


  • Ensure youth have access to land and other natural resources, information, education, infrastructure and financial services.
  • Incentivise generational turnover in agriculture, fisheries and forestry.
  • Improve the capacity of young family farmers for innovation by connecting locally specific (traditional) knowledge with new solutions.
  • Guarantee the participation of young farmers in markets and in policy processes.

Pillars 3

Promote gender equity in family farming and the leadership role of rural women

Rural women are essential to eliminating poverty, achieving zero hunger and creating sustainable, productive and inclusive food systems. They contribute both labour and knowledge of agricultural practices and biodiversity. They also play a unique and central role in managing natural resources, providing services, and building resilience within their families and communities.

Despite their contributions, women farmers are more likely to suffer a lack of respect for their basic human rights, and remain among those most affected by poverty and social exclusion.

This “gender gap” limits the ability of rural women to take advantage of new opportunities, and prevents them from reaching their full potential to contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.


  • Promote equal opportunities for women to engage in family farming and in the rural economy.
  • Increase women farmers’ access to natural resources, (re-)productive assets, information, infrastructure, financial services and markets.
  • Support women’s organization, self-empowerment, and capacity development processes and women’s autonomy and agency.
  • Promote full participation in policy processes and public life for rural women and their organizations.
  • Eliminate violence against women and girls
  • Promote knowledge- and experience-sharing among women to achieve political, social, cultural and economic progress towards gender equality.

Pillar 04

Strengthen family farmers’ organizations and capacities to generate knowledge, represent farmers and provide inclusive services in the urban-rural continuum

When family farmers organize in formal or non-formal networks, farmers’ associations, agricultural cooperatives or social movements, they are more able to improve their situations and achieve better and longer lasting results.

Strong, well-established organizations of family farmers can contribute to policy change, link local solutions to national and global goals, and respond to challenges such as climate change. These organizations act as catalysts, helping family farmers to exercise their rights and improving access to agricultural resources, public services, markets and policies.

Family farmers’ organizations help to create vibrant and inclusive rural societies. Therefore, it is particularly important to support family farmers in developing new organizations and strengthening the existing ones, and enhancing their capacity to promote and articulate new services according to their views and the requests of the members.


  • Strengthen the capacity of family farmers’ organizations so that they are better able to serve their members and their communities.
  • Enhance the technical expertise and capabilities of family farmers and their organizations, making it easier for them to access and provide farming and non-farming related services which contribute to sustainable livelihoods and landscapes.
  • Support organizations to become stronger, transparent and more inclusive, and support them in taking collective action for innovative and fair solutions.
  • Improve capacities and services related to ICTs to ensure that family farmers’ voices are heard.

Pillar 05

Improve socio-economic inclusion, resilience and well-being of family farmers, rural households and communities

Family farming is the foundation of food security and sustainable healthy food systems, and yet family farmers are among those who are most impacted by poverty and vulnerability and face the highest levels of economic, financial, social and environmental risks.

Family farmers will be less vulnerable if they have access to basic services, infrastructure, social protection systems, diversified production practices and markets. This access will allow them to overcome structural constraints and address problems that arise, allowing them to transition from the vulnerability of subsistence farming to a more secure social and economic position, from where they are better positioned to (re)invest in their farms, families and communities.


  • Ensure that family farmers – particularly youth, women and their communities - have access to social protection, services and public goods in order to improve their standard of living and reduce vulnerability.
  • Improve family farmers’ access to and control of natural resources and productive assets, especially for youth, women, indigenous communities and landless people.
  • Increase resilience and economic viability by encouraging sustainable and diversified production practices, innovations, and diverse and nutritious diets.
  • Improve access to markets and income-generating opportunities for family farmers, particularly youth and women, in order to guarantee increased participation and adequate remuneration.

Pillar 06

Promote sustainability of family farming for climate-resilient food systems

Today, food production and consumption have shifted from culturally and socially embedded systems and are disconnected from local ecological and social dimensions.

In order to meet the needs of present and future generations, it is essential to accelerate the transition toward more sustainable food systems that can simultaneously provide economic opportunities, protect ecosystems and respect the cultural and social diversity of different territories.

Rooted in their communities and with an understanding of local ecologies, family farmers have the unique potential to drive this transition. They are well positioned to offer contextualized, comprehensive and long-term solutions for sustainable food systems.


  • Increase family farmers’ access to productive assets and services, in order to improve their sustainable and responsible management and use of natural resources.
  • Support family farmers in driving transition toward sustainable food production by improving their capacities to innovate and increase productivity in a sustainable manner.
  • Develop an inclusive market environment for family farmers which promotes short food supply chains and provides diversified and nutritious food, thus contributing to more sustainable food systems.
  • Improve the conditions of family farmers within inclusive and fair value chains, in particular for women, youth and their organizations, encouraging diversification and the production of nutritious food.

Pillar 07

Strengthen the multi-dimensionality of family farming to promote social innovations contributing to territorial development and food systems that safeguard biodiversity, environment and culture

Family farmers not only produce food, but also provide several services and public goods for society: they ensure the sustainability of agro-ecosystems, landscape management and the transmission of locally- and traditionally-rooted knowledge, cultural heritage and social values.

Their practices of production, consumption, and social and cultural reproduction are strongly embedded in the local communities and territories where family farmers interact, combine, transform and renew ecological, economic and social resources.

Supporting the complexity and multidimensionality of family farmers can carry the promise of promoting endogenous growth and preserving the diversity of ecosystems, genetic resources, culture and life.


  • Improve synergies between production systems (fisheries, aquaculture, forestry, crops, livestock).
  • Enhance the different ecosystem services provided by family farmers.
  • Strengthen family farmers’ role in promoting social innovation and diversification of employment opportunities.
  • Improve interconnections between rural and urban areas.
  • Promote innovative economic opportunities and market solutions to take advantage of the multi-dimensional services and goods provided by family farmers.