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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour l'Asie (CCASIA) - Coordonnateur régional: China

Le Comité de coordination pour l’Asie a été créé lors de la onzième session de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius qui s’est déroulée à Rome (Italie) en juillet 1976. La première session du Comité a eu lieu à New Delhi (Inde) en janvier 1977.

Le coordonnateur régional opère au sein du Centre national chinois pour l’évaluation des risques de sécurité sanitaire des aliments.

Les principales priorités de la Chine en tant que coordonnateur incluent l’amélioration de la participation aux réunions du Codex, un plaidoyer visant à accorder la plus haute importance aux travaux du Codex dans la région, l’optimisation de l’harmonisation des normes de sécurité sanitaire des aliments, et l’accélération du renouveau du Comité grâce au partage d’informations et à des mises à jour régulières sur les problématiques liées à la sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans la région.

La Chine souhaite également promouvoir la collaboration avec les organisations ayant le statut d’observateur et améliorer la communication entre les Membres régionaux de la FAO, l’OMS et le Secrétariat du Codex.


Actualités de la région

ACT project launched in Nepal, 50 stakeholders agree on AMR priorities

As part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project, FAO Nepal organized a one-day workshop on the implementation of Codex standards for foodborne antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on 5 December 2022.  50 participants from the government, various ministries, academia, and private sector (feed production, aquaculture, livestock production, food safety, laboratory testing) joined the event.  “We wanted to convene AMR stakeholders in Nepal to assess the level of implementation of the Codex standards on foodborne AMR. The participants [...]
22 December 2022

Discussions, speeches and a quiz all contribute to World Food Safety Day events at Abbott Nutrition, India

At the pharmaceuticals company, Abbott Nutrition India, staff and employees celebrated World Food Safety Day this year, with a number of different activities. Over 250 team members took part in food safety discussions and listened to key messages from site leaders and messages about World Food Safety Day on the year’s theme, Safer Food, Better Health. Key staff contributors to food safety were recognized by management and a company-wide quiz saw prizes handed out to winners.  
29 November 2022

ACT project / Pakistan brings together 50 experts to discuss progress on AMR

As part of the “Action to support implementation of Codex AMR Texts (ACT)” project, FAO Pakistan organized a national workshop on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) on 24-26 October 2022 in Islamabad, Pakistan. More than 50 experts representing different sectors concerned with AMR human health, animal health, agriculture, poultry, dairy and pharmaceutical industry reviewed the key areas of the AMR National Action Plan (NAP).  “We assessed the progress of the implementation, as well as engaged food and agriculture stakeholders, and identified gaps and [...]
28 November 2022

The Lao People's Democratic Republic celebrates World Food Safety Day with New Zealand-backed project

For World Food Safety Day 2022, the Mekong Institute (MI) joined stakeholders of the national food control system in the Lao People's Democratic Republic to commemorate the importance of food safety for public and economic health. In a forum aimed at strengthening multi-agency and multi-stakeholder collaboration, participants also sought to ensure enhanced awareness among consumers of the importance of safer food. MI is supporting the Lao government’s goals of advancing food safety across the country through the PROSAFE Project, a five-year initiative funded [...]
18 November 2022

Pilot training on Good Codex Practices (Codex Trust Fund in collaboration with the Republic of Korea)

From 26 September to 1 October 2022, the Codex Trust Fund (CTF), in collaboration with the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) of the Republic of Korea, conducted a pilot training in Seoul focusing on good Codex practices and Korea’s experience in building their Codex system over the past decades. Fifteen participants from five CTF2 beneficiary countries (Bhutan, the Gambia, Maldives, Mauritius and Nepal) took part in the training which consisted of a combination of lectures covering key aspects of [...]
31 October 2022

CCASIA22 / promoting food trade and technological cooperation for global food safety

The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCASIA22) is taking place virtually from 12 to 21 October 2022. Welcoming delegates via video message, Lei Haichao , Vice Minister of the National Health Commission of China underlined the host government’s commitment to actively implementing their role as Regional Coordinator and to promote technology, partnership and exchanges among Members. “Codex is studying future working modalities as well as new kinds of the food and new production systems,” he said emphasizing China's engagement with [...]
14 October 2022

CCASIA22 / meeting prepares to discuss strategic food safety priorities for the region

Although this session will be held virtually, Chairperson Jing TIAN, China, encourages all Member Countries in the region attending the meeting, “to actively participate and to discuss issues of mutual interest, confirm the regional priorities and activities under the framework of the Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and promote the harmonization of regional standards”. The proposals for these standards include soybean products fermented with Bacillus species. Natto, Cheonggukjang and Thua Nao will be covered by the standard and the basic ingredients for [...]
11 October 2022

Training on Codex standards for young professionals in Korea

Young professionals from the different agencies of the Government of the Republic of Korea attended the tenth edition of the training course “Understanding Codex” in Osong, hosted by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety on 29 September 2022. “We highly appreciate your efforts in protecting consumer health and ensuring fair trade practices. The Ministry believes that the partnership with Codex is very important to achieve a common goal in terms of food safety,” said Oh-Sang Kwon, Vice Minister of Food [...]
11 October 2022

Spices committee serves up new standards on Saffron, Nutmeg and Chilli Peppers and Paprika

The sixth session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs will send standards for Saffron, Nutmeg and Chilli peppers and paprika for final adoption by the Codex Alimentarius Commission in November 2022. A spokesperson for the Indian delegation said of the work on chili peppers: “There is high hope now for harmonized national standards across the globe for this very valuable and ubiquitous spice.” Chairperson Dr M.R. Sudharsan, India, said the achievements of the meeting were a source of pride [...]
09 October 2022

Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs / a trigger for change for industry and consumers

The sixth session of the Codex Committee on Spices and Culinary Herbs (CCSCH), hosted virtually by India, began on 26 September 2022. Chairperson Dr M.R. Sudharsan expressed confidence that the committee would work to cover all the items on its agenda and make valuable progress on the development of standards. Mr D Sathiyan, Secretary of the Spices Board of India, welcomed over 230 online delegates on behalf of the Government of India to the online session and underlined how the numbers [...]
26 September 2022

Video Message

Coordonnateur CCASIA

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Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCASIA

No.37,Guangqu Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100022
Tél: +86-10-52165402

Courriel: [email protected]