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Groupes de travail électroniques

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La liste des GTE actuellement actifs figure ci-dessous.

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La date de clôture des travaux indiquée est la date limite fixée initialement pour le groupe de travail, avant la diffusion du rapport correspondant.

Title (click for details) Committee Lang Host Co-host(s) Reg. deadline Comments deadline Status Links Adm
Proposed  amendment  of  CXS  94‐1981  to  include  the  fish  species Sardinella lemuru (Bali Sardinella) CCFFP35 EN,FR,ES PHL EUR 31/01/2022 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Fresh Curry Leaves CCFFV22 EN IND 10/10/2022 31/08/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Vanilla CCSCH6 EN USA IND,MDG,MEX 15/01/2023 30/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 of the Latin American and Caribbean Region CCLAC22 EN,ES ECU 13/03/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Harmonized Probiotic Guidelines for Use in Foods and Food Supplements CCNFSDU43 EN,ES ARG CHN,MYS 30/05/2023 31/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Draft Regional Codex Standard for Lulo de Castilla (Naranjilla) CCLAC23 EN,ES COL MEX 09/05/2023 31/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Establishing NRVs-R for persons aged 6 to 36 months - 2023 CCNFSDU43 EN,ES IRL CRI,USA 31/05/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards and relevant provisions of the GSFA CCFA53 EN CAN JPN,USA 05/06/2023 20/11/2023 Active Invitation
Regional Standard for Quick Frozen Dumpling CCASIA22 EN CHN 06/06/2023 28/06/2024 Active Invitation
Consolidation of guidance on Equivalence CCFICS26 EN NZL KEN,USA 28/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Optional Ingredients in the Infant Formula Standard CCNFSDU44 EN USA 31/07/2023 29/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Guidelines on the Provision of Food Information for Prepackaged Foods offered via E-commerce CCFL47 EN,ES GBR CHL,CHN,IND,JPN 31/07/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines on the use of technology to provide information on food CCFL47 EN CAN IND,NZL 01/09/2023 15/04/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Electronic Working Group for Revision of the Class Names and the International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS)(CXG36-1989) CCFA53 EN BEL 15/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Food Allergen Labelling CCFL47 EN AUS GBR,USA 18/08/2023 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
CCFL Sustainability claims CCFL47 EN,ES NZL CRI,EUR,USA 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Revision of the Principles for Traceability/Product Tracing as a Tool Within a Food Inspection and Certification System (CXG 60-2006) CCFICS26 EN,ES USA GBR 10/08/2023 31/05/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Guidelines on the Prevention and Control of Food Fraud CCFICS26 EN USA CHN,EUR,IRN,GBR 01/09/2023 15/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Appropriate methods for assessing the sweetness of carbohydrate sources in “Product for young children” CCNFSDU43 EN EUR CHE 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
CCNFSDU technological justification of food additives CCNFSDU43 EN EUR 08/09/2023 31/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Maximum level for total aflatoxins in ready-to-eat peanuts CCCF17 EN IND 25/08/2023 15/01/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Establishment of Action Levels for Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods CCRVDF27 EN AUS CAN 31/08/2023 30/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Extrapolation of maximum residue limits of veterinary drugs to one or more species CCRVDF27 EN EUR CRI 31/08/2023 30/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Application of Food Labelling Provisions in Emergencies CCFL47 EN USA 01/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Food labelling in food formats joint presentation and in multiple packages CCFL47 COL JAM 20/09/2023 Active Invitation Forum
Implementation of the Codex Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 for CCNE - Regional workplan for 2024 and 2025 CCNEA11 AR,EN SAU EGY 10/12/2023 17/03/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed amendment of Brix level for grape juice from Vitis labrusca or hybrids CAC47 EN,FR,ES BRA 15/02/2024 30/06/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines for the safe use and re-use of water in food production CCFH54 EN EUR HND,IND,MRT,MAR 31/05/2024 30/04/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Cinnamon under the group standard “Dried bark” CCSCH7 EN BRA IDN,IRN,MEX 15/06/2024 26/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Draft Standard for Sweet Marjoram CCSCH7 EN EGY 14/06/2024 15/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for Large Cardamom CCSCH7 EN BTN IND,NPL 28/06/2024 30/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
General Standard for Food Additives (GSFA) to the 55th CCFA CCFA54 EN USA 28/06/2024 17/05/2024 Active Invitation
Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards and relevant provisions of the GSFA. CCFA54 EN CAN JPN,USA 10/06/2024 Active Invitation
Revision of the Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts (CXC 55-2004) CCCF17 EN BRA IND 30/06/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Development of a code of practice for the prevention and reduction of cadmium contamination in foods CCCF17 EN USA 30/06/2024 20/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the Code of practice for the reduction of aflatoxin B1 in raw materials and supplemental feeding stuffs for milk-producing animals (CXC 45-1997) CCCF17 EN CAN SAU 30/06/2024 25/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of methods of analysis in CXS 234 -workable package – review of the Fruit Juices Workable Package CCMAS43 EN DEU 01/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Information Document - General Guidelines on Sampling (CXG 50-2004) CCMAS43 EN NZL DEU 31/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Testing methods: precautionary allergen labelling CCMAS43 EN USA GBR 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Testing methods: nitrates and nitrites in certain food matrices CCMAS43 EN USA AUS 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
CCFA EWG on the Alignment of the food additive provisions of commodity standards and relevant provisions of the GSFA. CCFA54 EN CAN USA 10/06/2024 Active Invitation
Development of a Standard for Microbial Omega-3 Oils CCFO28 EN USA CHN 02/08/2024 10/06/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Sampling plans for certain mycotoxins in selected spices CCCF17 EN IND 15/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Draft Standard for Vanilla at Step 6/7 CCSCH7 EN USA IND,MDG,MEX 30/08/2024 30/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Collection and submission of scientific data and information on olive oil CCFO28 ITA AUS,CAN,SAU,USA 13/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the guidelines on the application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the control of viruses in food (CXG 79-2012) CCFH54 EN CAN NLD 16/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the guidelines on the application of general principles of food hygiene to the control of listeria monocytogenes in foods (cxg 61-2007) CCFH54 EN USA CAN,CHN,FRA 01/08/2024 05/07/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of Methods of Analysis in CXS 234 – Cocoa and Chocolate Products CCMAS43 EN SRB USA 31/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the Guidelines for the Control of Campylobacter and Salmonella in Chicken Meat (CXG 78-2011) CCFH54 EN USA AUS,BRA,DNK,HND,IND 01/08/2024 05/07/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Revisions to Codex Standards on Fats and Oils to limit industrially produced Trans-Fatty Acids CCFO28 CAN SAU 16/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Development of a standard for baker’s yeast CCFA54 EN CHN FRA,TUR 03/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Harmonization of names and format for principles identified in CXS 234 CCMAS43 EN BRA CHL 26/07/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Regional standard for Maamoul (adopted at Step 5) CCNEA11 AR,EN SAU LBN 15/08/2024 02/01/2025 Active Invitation Forum
CCEURO development of Dietary Guidelines CCEURO33 EN,RU,ES DEU KAZ,ESP,TUR 30/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Alignment of Codex texts with the revised general principles of food hygiene (CXC 1-1969) CCFH54 EN CHN EUR,GBR 20/08/2024 30/04/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Proposed Draft Standard for dried seeds-Coriander CCSCH7 EN IND IRN 31/08/2024 31/12/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Development of a code of practice for the prevention and reduction of tropane alkaloids in foods CCCF17 EN CHN SAU 30/09/2024 13/08/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Maximum level for total aflatoxins in ready-to-eat peanuts CCCF17 EN IND USA 30/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Maximum levels for lead in certain food categories CCCF17 EN BRA 30/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the Code of Practice for the Reduction of Acrylamide in Foods (CXC 67-2009) CCCF18 EN IND SAU 30/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of pyrrolizidine alkaloids contamination in food and feed (CXC 74-2014) CCCF18 EN TUR NLD,GBR 15/09/2024 01/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Review of the existing FFV standards CCFFV22 EN DEU 13/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Revision of the Class Names and the International Numbering System for Food Additives (INS) (CXG36-1989) CCFA54 EN BEL IRN 15/09/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Enhancement of work between CCPR and JMPR CCPR55 EN,ES USA CRI,UGA 10/10/2024 Active Invitation Forum
Establishment of CCPR schedules and priority lists for the evaluation of pesticides by JMPR CCPR55 EN AUS 13/10/2024 15/04/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Management of unsupported compounds without public health concerns scheduled for periodic review by JMPR and the national registration database CCPR55 EN CHL AUS,ECU,IND,KEN 10/10/2024 10/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum
Guidelines for monitoring the stability and purity of reference materials and related stock solutions of pesticides during prolonged storage CCPR55 IND CAN,IRN,SGP 10/10/2024 10/03/2025 Active Invitation Forum