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Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour l'Asie
12/10/2022 - 18/10/2022 | Virtuel ,

The 22nd Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia (CCASIA) is scheduled to take place virtually 12, 13, 14, 17 and 18 October 2022 with report adoption on 21 October 2022. The session will be held virtually from 9:00 – 12:00 hours CEST. The opening session will begin at 9.00 hours CEST on Wednesday 12 October 2022.

The session will be conducted in English and Chinese. The working documents will be issued in English and Chinese.

In preparation for CCASIA22 there will be virtual meetings of the working groups (vWG) on the standards under development as follows:

  • 23 September 2022, 9:00 – 12:00 hours CEST: vWG on the Regional standard for Quick Frozen Dumpling.

  • 5 October 2022, 9:00 – 12:00 hours CEST: vWG on the Regional standard for Cooked Rice Wrapped in Plant Leaves.

  • 6 October 2022, 9:00 – 12:00 hours CEST: vWG on the Regional standard for Soybean Products Fermented with Bacillus Species.

These vWG meetings will be chaired by the EWG chairs and conducted in English only. Register for these vWGs here.

Additional information on the CCASIA 22 programme and other updates will be published here as soon as they become available.

The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting are kindly invited to consult the "Information for Delegates" webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.



Documents apparentés

PointDescriptionDate de téléchargement
Référence du document
12Nomination of the Coordinator10/08/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/12
1Provisional Agenda19/09/2022
CX/Asia 22/22/1
9.1Proposed draft regional standard for cooked rice wrapped in plant leaves20/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/9
7.1Proposed draft regional standard for soybean products fermented with Bacillus species26/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/7
8.1Proposed draft regional standard for quick frozen dumpling26/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/8
4Matters Arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Other Codex Committees30/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/4
10Discussion paper on the revised draft Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for CCASIA04/10/2022
CX/ASIA 22/83/10
5Codex work relevant to the region06/10/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/5
11Proposal for the development of a regional standard for traditional sweets13/10/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/11
Rapport de la 22e session du Comité de coordination FAO/OMS pour l’Asie21/12/2022
6Monitoring of the implementation of the Global Codex Strategic Plan 2020- 202507/10/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/6
2Keynote address: Emerging issues in food safety in the region11/10/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/2
3Food safety and quality situation in the region: Towards a better normal: lessons learned from the pandemic and views from countries12/10/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/3 Rev.
105Discussion paper on development of a standard for cooked rice15/09/2022
7.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/52(Rev)/OCS-ASIA16/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/7 Add.1
8.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/53/OCS-ASIA16/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/8 Add.1
9.2Comments in reply to CL 2022/54/OCS-ASIA16/09/2022
CX/ASIA 22/22/9 Add.1
106Revised proposed draft regional standard for quick frozen dumpling (prepared by the EWG chair)23/09/2022
107Revised proposed draft regional standard for soybean products fermented with Bacillus species (prepared by the EWG chair)29/09/2022
CRD07 Rev.
108Revised proposed draft regional standard for cooked rice wrapped in plant leaves (prepared by the EWG chair)30/09/2022
103Report of the virtual Working Group on the proposed draft regional standard for quick frozen dumpling30/09/2022
102Report of the virtual Working Group on the regional standard for soybean products fermented with Bacillus species07/10/2022
104Report of the virtual Working Group on the proposed draft regional standard for cooked rice wrapped in plant leaves08/10/2022
109Discussion paper on development of a standard for canned congee10/10/2022
111Codex communication work plan – progress report10/10/2022
110Proposed amendment to the labelling provisions for non retail containers in relevant CCASIA regional standards11/10/2022
CRD10 Rev.
112Comments from Indonesia on Agenda Items 7, 8 and 911/10/2022
113Comments from Thailand on Agenda Items 7, 8, 9 and 1012/10/2022
114Comments from Republic of Korea on Agenda Items 4 and 1112/10/2022
101Opening remarks12/10/2022
115Food additives for quick frozen dumpling18/10/2022
CRD15 Rev.
116All files zip collection