CCCF15 |
Comité du Codex sur les contaminants dans les aliments |
![]() GENERAL INFORMATION Plenary Session The 15th Session of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods will take place virtually on 9 – 13 May 2022 (13:00 – 16:00 CET) with report adoption on 24 May 2022 (13:00 – 16:00 CET).Working Groups The Working Groups on the Review of Codex Standards for Contaminants, Follow-up Work to the Outcomes of JECFA Evaluations and FAO/WHO Expert Consultations, Priority List of Contaminants for Evaluation by JECFA and Review of Methods of Analysis for Contaminants will be held on Tuesday 3 and Thursday 5 May 2022 (13:00 – 16:00 CET). Further information is provided under ʺWorking Groups˝.Side Events A side event on improved data collection and data analysis for the development of maximum levels for contaminants in food and feed will take place on Friday 6 May from 13.00 – 15.00 CET. Further information is provided under ʺSide Events˝.Meeting for the First-Time Delegate The Host Country Secretariat will host a meeting for the first-time delegates on Friday 6 May from 15.00 – 15.30 CET. Codex members and observers attending CCCF for the first time are invited to attend this meeting.INFORMATION FOR DELEGATES The Codex Secretariat has prepared a guidance for Members and Observers to facilitate the smooth running of Codex virtual meetings. Codex members and observers participating in the upcoming virtual meeting, including the Working Groups on the Review of Codex Standards, Priority List of Contaminants for Evaluation by JECFA and the Follow-up Work to the Outcomes of JECFA Evaluations and FAO/WHO Expert Consultations, are kindly invited to consult the Information for Delegates webpage and in particular to read the Guidance to participants of virtual meetings available in English,French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. TIMETABLE FOR THE PLENARY MEETING A tentative timetable is available here for advance notice of Codex members and observers attending the plenary meeting and adoption of the report and will be submitted for endorsement by the plenary session during the Adoption of the Provisional Agenda (Agenda Item 1). The tentative program is available in English only. ONLINE PRE-REGISTRATION All participants should provide their information (names and addresses) through the Online Registration System by accessing the link below, latest by 48 hours in advance of the start of the plenary meeting i.e. 7 May 2022 13:00 CET. Login and password for the online registration have been provided to all Codex Contact Points of Member Countries and Observer Organizations. If the login and password have not been received, please contact [email protected]. Note that there are two registration / password, respectively one for the meetings of the working groups and the side event and another one for the plenary meeting and the adoption of the report. WORKING GROUPS ![]() The working groups on the Review of Codex Standards for Contaminants, Follow-up Work to the Outcomes of JECFA Evaluations and FAO/WHO Expert Consultations, Priority List of Contaminants for Evaluation by JECFA and Review of Methods of Analysis for Contaminants will consider the documents under agenda items 16, 18, 19 and 20 and make recommendations for consideration by the plenary session. The program is available Here. CRDs have been prepared by the Chairs of the Working Groups to inform discussion. Codex members and observers are kindly invited to consider them in preparation for the meetings of the working groups. See Document Reference below. SIDE EVENT: Improved data collection and data analysis for the development of maximum levels for contaminants A virtual side event on improved data collection and data analysis for the development of MLs for contaminants in food and feed will be held to discuss the status of the guidance, address key issues identified in paragraphs 10 and 11 of CX/CF 22/15/14 to progress work on the guidance, and next steps for the further development of this document. The outcomes of the discussion will be reported to the plenary session of CCCF for consideration and action. LETTER FROM THE CHAIR A letter from the Chair of the Codex Committee on Contaminants in Foods, Dr. Sally Hoffer, addressing all Codex members and observers participating in the 15th Session of CCCF and related activities, can be found here in English, French and Spanish. DOCUMENTS Documents for consideration by CCCF15 will be published on this page as soon as they become available. The list of circular letters relevant to CCCF15 is available from the "Related Circular Letters". The report of CCCF14 (2021) (REP21/CF14) is available on the CCCF14 webpage in English, French and Spanish. |