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Comité exécutif de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius
13/01/2021 - 21/01/2021 | Virtuel ,


CAC43 (2020) concluded that while many Codex meetings had to be postponed in 2020, this could not continue in 2021 and that CCEXEC80 and CCEXEC81 may be held virtually if physical meetings were not possible. The Codex Secretariat in consultation with FAO and WHO has determined that it is not possible to plan CCEXEC80 as a physical session. The meeting will therefore take place virtually in January 2021.

CCEXEC80 will meet virtually for four three-hour sessions, one session per day on 13, 14, and 18 January to discuss the items on the agenda, and a fourth session on 21 January to adopt the report.
Each session will take place from 12(noon) to 15h CET.

The Session will begin at midday (CET) on Wednesday 13th January 2021.
The Session will be conducted in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.


The Codex Secretariat has prepared guidance for members and observers to facilitate the smooth running of CCEXEC80.
Download Guidance for participants


Please note that there will be no distribution of working documents through the Codex mailing list (Codex-L). Only the invitation and the provisional agenda will be distributed to Members. All working documents, and any subsequent new documents not referenced on this Provisional Agenda, including any other information for delegates, will be published on the Codex website as they become available.


Click below to download the draft schedule

Documents apparentés

PointDescriptionDate de téléchargement
Référence du document
1Ordre du jour provisoire05/11/2020
CX/EXEC 21/80/1
7Questions émanant de la FAO et de l’OMS30/11/2020
CX/EXEC 21/80/7
7.1Questions émanant de la FAO et de l’OMS - Partie II16/12/2020
CX/EXEC 21/80/7 Add.1
5Plan de travail pour la mise en œuvre d’un Plan stratégique pour 2020-2025: Informations actualisées16/12/2020
CX/EXEC 21/80/5
2Plan stratégique du Codex pour 2014-2019 : rapport final - Mise à jour16/12/2020
CX/EXEC 21/80/2
6Demandes d’admission au statut d’observateur aux réunions du Codex présentées par des organisations non gouvernementales internationales06/01/2021
CX/EXEC 21/80/06
4Rapport du Sous-Comité exécutif portant sur l’application des Déclarations de principes concernant le rôle de la science - Mise à jour07/01/2021
CX/EXEC 21/80/4
3Rapport du Sous-Comité exécutif portant sur les défis et opportunités stratégiques du Codex durant la pandémie 07/01/2021
CX/EXEC 21/80/3
0.1Rapport de la 80e session du Comité exécutif de la Commission du Codex Alimentarius02/02/2021
101Work plan for the implementation of the Strategic-Plan 2020-2025 - update: Proposal for next steps16/01/2021
CX/EXEC 21/80/CRD1
102All files zip collection