Consultation for the development of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition
An increasing number of people are not able to realize their right to adequate food. In 2020, between 720 and 811 million people in the world faced hunger, up to 161 million more than in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionally affected women and girls, in part as a result of gender inequality and discrimination. In this context, urgent actions are needed to address the challenges, gaps and barriers that hinder progress in achieving gender equality and the full realization of women’s and girls’ rights in the context of food security and nutrition.
Advancing gender equality and women's and girls' empowerment is critical to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the vision of the Committee of World Food Security (CFS) of ending hunger and ensuring food security and nutrition for all. To guide progress on gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment, CFS at its 46th Session in October 2019 decided to develop Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition.
The Guidelines are intended to support governments, development partners and other stakeholders to advance gender equality, women’s and girls’ rights and empowerment, as part of their efforts to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition, through appropriate policies, investments and institutional arrangements. They aim to foster greater policy coherence between gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment, and food security and nutrition agendas, and promote mutually reinforcing policy measures.
Following the endorsement of the Terms of Reference for the Guidelines by the Committee in February 2021, a Zero Draft of the Guidelines has been prepared as a basis for a consultative process, which includes six regional consultations (Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Central Asia, Near East, Africa, Asia and Pacific and North America) and this electronic consultation.
CFS now invites all actors involved in addressing food insecurity and malnutrition1 to provide feedback on the Zero Draft of the Guidelines, which is made up of four parts:
- The first part provides the background and rationale of the Guidelines, their objectives and information on their nature as well as their intended users.
- The second part presents the core principles that underpin the Guidelines, taking into account the CFS Vision of ending hunger and ensuring food security and nutrition for all, and for the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.
- The third part is organized into nine sections/themes. Each section presents a problem statement, a narrative and related policy areas for discussion. This part is intended to frame the discussions in the consultations and inform the preparation of the upcoming versions of the document. It presents initial ideas regarding the issues and topics to be considered and discussed by CFS stakeholders.
- The fourth part includes provisions regarding the implementation of the future Guidelines and the monitoring of their use and application.
In providing comments on the Zero Draft of the Guidelines, you are invited to focus on the following guiding questions:
- Does the Zero Draft appropriately capture the main challenges and barriers that hinder progress in achieving gender equality and the full realization of women’s and girls’ rights in the context of food security and nutrition? If not, what do you think is missing or should be adjusted?
- Does Part 2 of the Zero Draft satisfactorily reflect the core principles which should underpin the Guidelines? If not, how do you propose to improve these principles?
- Do the nine sections of Part 3 of the Zero Draft comprehensively cover the policy areas to be addressed to achieve gender equality and the full realization of women’s and girls’ rights in the context of food security and nutrition? If not, what do you think is missing?
- Does Part 4 of the Zero Draft provide all the elements necessary for effective implementation and monitoring of the use and application of the Guidelines? If not, what do you propose to add or change?
Comments are accepted in all UN languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish).
The outcomes of the consultation process will contribute to the preparation of the First Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines, which will be negotiated in spring 2022. The final version of the Guidelines will be presented for endorsement by the CFS Plenary at its 50th Session in October 2022.
Thank you very much for engaging in this critical process to ensure all voices are heard in the development of the Guidelines.
We look forward to receiving your valued input to make these guidelines a reality.
Françoise Trine, Marina Calvino and Alyson Brody
CFS Secretariat
[1] These include governments; intergovernmental and regional organizations, including UN agencies and bodies; civil society, private sector; research institutions and academia; development agencies, including international financial institutions and philanthropic foundations.
- Read 113 contributions
CSM’s collective contribution to the CFS e-consultation
The Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSM) facilitates the voices from sectors of those most affected by hunger and malnutrition. Through an active internal consultation, which has been ongoing for the past 6 months with all sub-regions and constituencies, we have drafted the following common position to convey our messages, experiences and demands for the CFS policy convergence process on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE).
Through this extensive CSM contribution, we are contributing from the knowledge and experiences from territories of all regions. We feel this document is of particular importance given the absence of an HLPE report for this CFS policy process. We have suggested a number of very fundamental changes, and we look forward to them being reflected in the process and in the document that will come out of the Regional and online Consultations.
Comments from SwedBio (at Stockholm Resilience Centre) on the:
‘Zero Draft of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women and Girls’ Empowerment in the context of Food Security and Nutrition’
General comments
- We welcome the Zero draft’s holistic approach to gender issues, commitment to Human Rights and to the realisation of the Right to Adequate Food, and gender-transformative approach, which is crucial to address the root causes of gender-based inequalities and focus on gender-equitable control over assets and productive resources.
There are still topics that don’t find enough focus in the Zero Draft
- We believe that an overwhelming emphasis is put on the lives of rural women, yet the focus on urban and peri-urban women and their role in food security and nutrition is underplayed. Women in cities, informal settlements, working in territorial markets, etc also play an important role in food systems and face challenges particular to their setting. It can be better reflected that women are not a homogenous category, but characterised by diversity. This diversity comes from their diversity of perspectives, contexts and experiences. Women are also affected by multiple forms of discrimination.
- The work for gender equality involves engaging with women and girls, men and boys, as well as non-binary people in order to break down destructive gender stereotypes that can be harmful to all genders. We would suggest non-binary people be also included when the text refers to ‘women and men’. Language on sexual orientation and gender identity should be included, particularly in the section on violence against these people, so as to promote broader recognition of the challenges faced by all genders in regard to food security and nutrition.
- It is broadly recognized that the current food systems are main drivers of land-use change, deforestation and loss of biodiversity, and that transformative change towards more sustainable, equitable and inclusive food systems is needed. The guidelines could more clearly articulate the need for a holistic systems approach that addresses the underlying indirect drivers and supports transformative change (that transforms the structures of power in society) in what is produced, how and by whom it is produced, processed, and consumed with a focus on human rights and well-being and the protection of the environment and natural resources for food security and nutrition. The ‘by whom’ it is produced is important because the right to food is connected to the right to choose how and by whom that food is produced: the food sovereignty concept and framework is an important notion in this regard. The HLPE report on ‘Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition’ (page 147), highlights the fact that that rights-based approaches to addressing food security and nutrition encompass not only women’s empowerment and the right to food, but also food sovereignty.
Guiding question Nr. 1: Does the Zero Draft appropriately capture the main challenges and barriers that hinder progress in achieving gender equality and the full realisation of women’s and girls’ rights in the context of food security and nutrition in the region? If not, what do you think is missing or should be adjusted?
- The Right to Adequate Food should be unpacked more clearly in the background section, especially to emphasise a Human Rights-Based Approach to food, and how that relates with gender equality. In addition, when referring to rights-based language such as ‘rights-holders’, we would suggest a clear articulation of who the rights-holders are and which groups they belong to. This should also be distinguished from duty-bearers. Referring to women as ‘rights-holders’ is not enough to bring forward the diversity of perspectives, contexts and experiences.
- Paragraph 4 should in addition to highlighting the impacts of COVID-19 as an important challenge for food security and nutrition also refer to the challenges posed by, and the gendered impacts of, climate change, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss. This is underlined by the inextricable linkages between human health, animals, and the environment as emphasized by a One Health approach in relation to sustainable food production,
- It is not widely understood that agriculture includes fisheries (page 5 footnote). We support the comment submitted by ICSF, stating that “It should be clearly stated that rural women include not only farmers, but also fishers and fishworkers, pastoralists (and it is insufficient to mention this only in a footnote).’ We suggest that when agricultural systems are mentioned, they are complemented as such: Agricultural systems - including farming, fishing and pastoralism”.
- Agency of women and girls should be more strongly articulated. In line with the HLPE report 15 Building a Global Narrative towards 2030, it should be acknowledged that the concept of food security has evolved to recognize the centrality of agency, as well as sustainability, along with the four other dimensions of availability, access, utilization and stability and as also reinforced in the right to food concept.
- As a principle of a Human Rights-Based Approach, everyone has the right to active and meaningful participation in decisions which affect their lives. We feel that full and effective participation is lacking in the background.
- Intersecting forms of participation are mentioned only once. We believe intersectionality would be important to have in the introduction. Women do not represent one experience but are diverse in their background, knowledge and access to power. Women’s opportunities in life are shaped by intersecting identities such as cultural background, ethnicity, age, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, class or income and other circumstances. These multiple factors shape women’s identity, access to resources, life opportunities, power and influence. Highlighting Human Rights principles explicitly could cover the need of embracing intersectionality.
- We feel the categories of stakeholders mentioned as involved in addressing food security and nutrition, gender equality and women’s empowerment (page 5-6) should be unpacked, particularly ‘c) Civil society, including women’s, farmers’ and small-scale food producers’ organizations, trade unions of domestic, rural and agricultural workers, and indigenous peoples’. Civil society does not differentiate between environmental NGOs vs. social movements, grassroots organisations, etc. But these organisations hold different priorities, mandates, and power relations, and are not fit to merge into one category. To remain committed to rights-based language, the categorisation of stakeholders could mention which are rights-holders and which are duty bearers.
- We welcome the focus on gender transformative approaches, as gender equality involves transformation of gender norms beyond ensuring the rights of women and girls, and since such approaches have proven important not only for gender equality and women’s empowerment, but also in relation to poverty and food security[1]. Definitions and a discussion of how the concepts of gender transformative and gender responsive approaches are used and promoted by the Voluntary Guidelines could be included.
- Also, similarly to the comments submitteed by ICSF, we believe that “Point 1.1.7: Needs to include women’s contributions to fisheries - especially small-scale fisheries - including fishing, processing and marketing. Their role extends beyond production, and includes crucial reproduction tasks, such as sustenance of families and communities, and the protection of natural resources and local ecosystems”.
Guiding question Nr. 2: Does Part 2 of the Zero Draft satisfactorily reflect the core principles which should underpin the Guidelines? If not, how do you propose to improve these principles?
- Paragraph 17: We believe reference to some crucial resolutions, declarations or policy products are missing in the list in part 2, particularly:
- For a document which has a great focus on rural women, we feel that the ‘United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas’ (UNDROP) as a guiding framework is lacking.
- To fully engage with Indigenous peoples’ food systems and Indigenous women, reference to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) is crucial.
- The ‘CFS Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security’ which are only referred to as a footnote.
- The ‘Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries in the Context of Food Security and Poverty Eradication’ (SSF Guidelines).
- The Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment (HRC/RES/48/13)
- Paragraph 19: We appreciate that Human Rights and the Right to Adequate Food are listed as core principles of the Voluntary Guidelines.
- Paragraph 28: Could stress the importance of multi-stakeholder collaborations and partnerships being under-pinned by a Human Rights-Based Approach which recognizes the different roles, rights and responsibilities of rights-holders and duty bearers. It should similarly make a clear distinction between stakeholders and right holders.
Guiding question Nr. 3: Do the nine sections of Part 3 of the Zero Draft comprehensively cover the policy areas to be addressed to achieve gender equality and the full realization of women’s and girls’ rights in the context of food security and nutrition? If not, what do you think is missing?
3.2 Elimination of violence and discrimination against women for improved food security and nutrition
- Language on sexual orientation and gender identity should be included, particularly in the section on violence against these people, so as to promote broader recognition of the challenges faced by all genders in regard to food security and nutrition.
3.3 Access to education, capacity building, training, knowledge and information services
- Formal knowledge is referred to, but not non-formal forms of knowledge: traditional knowledge, cultural knowledge; and knowledge transmission: intergenerational, horizontal peer-to-peer learning etc, should be included. Education is not just about seeing women and girls as receivers of knowledge, but as important knowledge holders when it comes to agriculture, nature and wellbeing. The knowledge that women have produced and passed down for generations, from the identification of wild plants, food production, seed production and conservation, is crucial when it comes to diversity in farming methods and healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.
3.5 Access to and control over natural and productive resources
- Linkages to climate change are clear, but the section could more clearly articulate the challenges posed by ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss (e.g. in paragraph 89) as well as refer to the importance of full and effective participation of women in the work of the Convention on Biological Diversity (paragraph 91). Drawing parallels with the CBD Gender Plan of Action could provide interesting entry points and synergies. Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment as a new framework could be integrated into the Guidelines.
- Paragraph 84: The problem statement should be broadened to reflect the diverse productive sectors referred to in 3.5.1. In addition to land rights it should also encompass customary rights, water rights, etc.
- Paragraph 95: Referring to agricultural inputs excludes small-scale fishers (SSF) and pastoralists. SSF women face challenges in accessing technologies as well, and there is a need for them to mobilise and cooperate, especially facing changes in regulations. Ex. changes in net sizes or changing materials.
- Right to seed should be mentioned here.
- Agroecology as a viable alternative to address unsustainable and unjust food systems is not sufficiently emphasised in the text. Reference to the Policy recommendations on Agroecological and other innovative approaches for sustainable agriculture and food systems that enhance food security and nutrition is lacking. Here we support the comment sent by the EU: “We believe that the agroecological transformation of agrifood systems is not limited to food production practices, but entails more balanced access to resources, more balanced relations and distribution of power. Agroecology could be a key opportunity for women to gain influence and recognition and to contribute to better nutrition/food security. We therefore believe that there is considerable scope for the guidelines to address the significance of agroecology and the promotion of territorial markets (as opposed to increased reliance on retail food outlets) for food systems transformation and the implications for integrating gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment into such a transformative process.”
3.6 Access to labour markets and decent work
- Paragraph 105: The situation for migrant women and refugees are highlighted. However, it can be clarified that, in general, women are subject to all sorts of abuse in the labour market due to social and cultural norms, power relations and intersecting forms of vulnerability—for example, sex for fish.
3.8 Women and men’s ability to make strategic choices for healthy diets and good nutrition
- We feel the scope of this section could preferably be broadened as it lacks the important connections between integrated, diversified production systems and more diverse and nutritious diets as well as the interconnected challenges posed by climate change, ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss for the realisation of healthy and nutritious diets that impacts women, girls, men and boys differently.
Guiding question Nr. 4: Does Part 4 of the Zero Draft provide all the elements necessary for effective implementation and monitoring of the use and application of the Guidelines? If not, what do you propose to add or change?
- Paragraph 131: Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines (on Gender) could be supported by stating the international declarations and legally binding instruments that have been endorsed, such as CEDAW and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in this section which pertains to implementation. This could ensure greater guidance but also greater commitment to the Voluntary Guidelines (on Gender). Reminding that the principles stated at the start of the document also apply to sound implementation of the guidelines, especially those relating to non-discrimination, inclusiveness and participation in policy-making, could also provide further guidance on implementation.
- Building and strengthening capacity for implementation, paragraph 134: we lack mention of support to women-led networks and civil society organisations, or collective action done by women.
- Paragraph 135: Government ‘in consultation with other stakeholders’ – full and effective, and meaningful participation, is lacking. Referring to governments as duty bearers and distinguishing them from rights holders would be a proper commitment to a Human Rights-Based Approach.
[1] E.g. Lawless et al., 2017. Considering gender: Practical guidance for rural development initiatives in Solomon Islands. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish. Program Brief: 2017-22. (
An increasing role of women in a religiously confiscated society where share of urban female in work force is limited to household. Opportunities for educated female and contribution of them in workforce is not at same level with men of the same ages. Work is carried out to empower females especially the educated ones for providing them opportunities to work.
Education system is not linked to the production system of country this making it a consumer economy. Gender balancing and equal opportunity employment is not practiced and nor advertised in any news potatoes. Nepotism and clan based system has been proven to be a hurdle in several development in organizations.
The CFS analysis is great and Agriculture based economic conditions of countries with access to job and work opportunities for females and climate action involvement demand gender role.
CARE welcomes the opportunity to respond to the draft CFS VGs on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girl’s Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition. The paper contains extensive problem analysis and provides helpful guidance and solutions. It also seeks coherence with other processes and frameworks and does well to address legal and rights-based instruments pertaining to gender equality. Notwithstanding the ambition expressed, there are areas where we would suggest adjustment and strengthening. In places, the text risks reinforcing stereotypes and assumptions that may be confusing and these should be carefully adjusted. We also propose increased attention to issues of gender inequality and food and nutrition security vis a vis urban and peri urban contexts; food loss and waste; participatory methodologies and farmer-led learning; fisheries, aquaculture, and pastoralism; gendered social norms, collectives in agriculture, youth, and others. Please find attached suggested edits and areas for adjustment according to the questions provided. Thank you.
The guideline is very much useful for the country level to make our food system more gender responsive and for equal access to food. Though it is a very common trend seen during trainings that maximum no. of women participants are encouraged to take part despite the fact that men are also seen around doing nothing rather gossiping or wasting time. This type of trend has increased the workload of the women 3 or 4th fold and at the same time these workloads are normally transferred to adolescent girls then these girls are either deprived from education and proper/adequate food & nutrition or acquire low quality education and poor health. So equal no. of men engagement is very very important in each training to reduce the workload of women.
Encouraging people to utilize locally produced food in their daily life, promotion of traditional variety, techniques of good productions without environmental damages would trigger for a resilient food system. So we should think about these things incorporated during the training.
Sampson Agodzo
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
Some additional thoughts on “3.3 Access to education,…….”
Female enrolment rates in formal education have been persistently low even though there is a
modest increase over the years. Cultural, religious and economic reasons have played major roles in
this trend. The issues raised in this section are well articulated and very useful for improving access
to education for the girl child. The following are some additional thoughts on access to girl child
1. Incentives: Incentives such as free education and school feeding programmes are promoted all over the world but more needs to be done. There was a case in northern Ghana where girls have had to travel long distances to school and it became a disincentive. An NGO working among the communities offered to provide bicycles to girls and even household heads that were reluctant to send their girl children to school, warmed up to the idea because the bicycle met a general transportation need of the family. This, though, was not sustainable in the long run.
2. Negotiation rather than confrontation: Parents ultimately have control over their girl child. Negotiation with parents rather than confrontation is more likely to yield better results in improving girl enrolment rate in schools since this approach is more sustainable. Sustained trumpeting of success stories in educating the girl child should be one way of convincing reluctant parents to consider sending their girl children to school. In communities where social workers exist, they could assist reluctant parents to reconsider their stance.
3. Allaying fears and preparing the mind of the girl child: A teenager may menstruate for the first time in school and may be confused as to handle situations of that nature. Some may consider these natural processes as taboos, public ridicule and shame if it happens to them in public. For fear of what may happen, some teenage girls will rather avoid associations. Some girls absent themselves from school during their menstrual period.
4. Civil conflicts: Civil conflicts also pose threat to life and property and displacement of people especially women and children. While it is wished that such civil conflicts should not arise, the girl child tends to lose out more especially in matters of access to education.
In most Nigeria communities women are mostly relegated to the traditional roles of home keeping in some traditional communities with women and girls getting left overs like can attend school once house chores are completed while their brothers prepare and go to school with the water that their sister walk distance to fetch, cook food, and take care of the home. So that even in farming, women perceived as the weaker once support in planting, food preparations and time for harvest, carry the harvested crops home. There are some communities of women dominance where the women are doing the hard work of farming and at the same time family care, while some men are out there getting drunk of gisting away with friends. Now the time to decide on key decisions, women are absent because they are taking care of family and home. There is the need for deliberate advocacy and action to promote women participation at community level. Somethings we strongly advocate and action upon in communities where we work, but more work needs be done to advance this process.
Violence against women is a huge challenge in Nigeria, there are mindsets that physical abuse on is normal, as some people grew up seeing and knowing that physical abuse is a normal lifestyle. To steam that tide, we need to do more grassroots capacity building and knowledge sharing to make communities realise that physical abuse or any form of abuse is violence and should be discouraged. Also, there is the need to design a people centered case reporting mechanism to ensure incidences are reported through a confidential arrangement. There is the need to train traditional rulers and religious leaders in the areas of GBV and VAWG, since these are the custodians of the traditional laws and religious belief, these leaders are highly respected and revered so that they have greater influence to shape actionable laws and also commit to taking appropriate actions.
I was one of the commentators who pointed out that excluding the LGBT+ community from the guidelines undermined the validity of the call for human rights and gender equality. I appreciate that our voices were acknowledged by FAO. At the same time, there were two disturbing aspects to the justification for leaving out true intersectionality: a. that LGBT+ issues were not included in the original TOR and b. that there are no internationally recognized terms. To these responses, I would point out that in many places in the world, the empowerment of cis-gendered, heterosexual women and girls is also contestable. By definition human rights, in particular full intersexual gender inclusion, isn't popular in places and cultures where oppression is the norm (Texas, in the US, for example). My point is, if we wait until the LGBT+ community is acceptable in all member countries, we will be waiting until the end of the world. In our daily work, it is reasonable to frame specific project goals in incremental steps, I do this all the time. However, in voluntary, but aspirational documents like this one, this is the place to articulate what human rights really means: equal rights and fair treatment to even the most unpopular of gender minorities. Being brave right now is very hard and also unavoidably necessary.
English translation below
اني السيدة مها داغر داود / مسؤول شعبة حقوق المرأة والتنمية المجتمعية / قسم تمكين المرأة تمت المشاركة في الحدث الافتراضي على منصة zoom الذي عقد للمدة من 27-2021/10/28
حول المسودة صفر من اعداد الخطوط التوجيهية الطوعية بشأن المساواة بين الجنسين وتمكين المرأة والفتيات في سياق الامن الغذائي والتغذية وقد خرج النقاش بجملة من التوصيات منها:
1- الحاجة الى قوانين لحماية المرأة من العنف وكذلك اصدار قانون خاص بالمرأة الريفية حيث انها تتحمل كل المسؤوليات في الحقل وفي البيت ولكن بدون اي حقوق اقتصادية واجتماعية.
2- اعادة العمل في فتح دور الحضانات الحكومية لاتاحة المجال للمرأة لمزاولة عملها.
3- الحاجة الى تعزيز مشاركة المرأة وايصال صوتها في المجالات كافة.
4- تعزيز مشاركة النساء في المعترك السياسي.
5- الحاجة الى اذكاء الوعي والتعليم بغية التصدي الى التمييز الجندري والمعتقدات والقوالب النمطية
6- العمل على تغيير الموروث الثقافي المتعلق بالتقسيم التقليدي للادوار منذ اول مراحل التنشئة الاجتماعية لبناء ذكورة متوازنة قائمة على مباديء حقوق الانسان.
7- اذكاء الوعي العام لاستيعاب الاولاد تقاسم الاعمال المنزلية.
مع خالص الشكر والتقدير
I am Mrs. Maha Dagher Daoud / Head of the Women’s Rights and Community Development Division / Women Empowerment Department. I have participated in the virtual event on the zoom platform, which was held for the period from 27- 28 / 10/ 2021
Concerning the zero draft of the preparation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition, the discussion resulted in a number of recommendations, including:
- The need for laws to protect women from violence, as well as the issuance of a special law for rural women, as they bear all responsibilities in the field and at home, but without any economic and social rights.
- Re-opening government nurseries to allow women to practice their work.
- The need to enhance women's participation and the right to have a say in all fields.
- Enhancing women's participation in the political arena.
- The need to raise awareness and education in order to address gender discrimination, beliefs and stereotypes.
- The need to change the cultural heritage related to the traditional division of roles from the first stages of upbringing in order to build balanced males based on the principles of human rights.
- Raising public awareness to make children accommodate sharing household chores.
Please accept my gratitude and appreciation.
Prof. Shu Wen Ng
Members of the Next Gen(d)eration Leadership Initiative ( we are pleased to be able to share our feedback in response to the guiding questions through this consultation process for the development of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls’ Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition. Please see the attached document for our input. Thank you.
This activity is now closed. Please contact [email protected] for any further information.