Member profile
Maya Takagi is currently Senior Social Protection Officer and Deputy Strategic Programme Leader for Reducing Rural Poverty at FAO-Headquarters. She is specialized in public policies; has PhD in economic development and worked in the implementation of the Zero Hunger programme in Brazil. Previously, she worked as advisor of Brazil’s President of the Republic from 2005-2010, as National Secretary for Food Security and Nutrition in the Ministry of Social Development from 2011-2012 and as agriculture researcher linked to Ministry of Agriculture from 2013-2014.
Ms. Maya Takagi
Dear members of the Forum,
We would like to thank you all, on behalf of FAO’s Strategic Programme on Rural Poverty Reduction, for your valuable contributions for this on line discussion. It was really rich of different elements and contexts, encompassing all the regions in the world and ranging from broad conceptual contributions to specific concrete approaches and solutions on the ground, at country level. Summing all, we can surely have a better picture of what is needed to eradicate extreme poverty from the agriculture angle.
We would like also to thank the FSN Forum moderators for the valuable work in making the summary and the digest of each of the contributions. We will consider all comments received for the finalization of the FAO Extreme Poverty Framework and Strategy Plan, which we will disseminate to participants to the discussion and to interested Forum members.
Ana Paula and Maya