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GLOBEFISH | Quarterly shrimp analysis - June 2024
International shrimp export prices throughout 2023 were weak due to inflation, causing farmers in Asia to reduce stocking densities in ponds. Ecuador and China retained their positions as top exporter and importer, respectively, in terms of volume.
GLOBEFISH | Quarterly shrimp analysis - April 2024
Global inflation, economic stagnation and reduced consumer disposable incomes in North America and Europe curbed demand for shrimp in 2023, affecting its trade in other markets. Despite the low price levels in the international trade, shrimp imports declined across the board worldwide except in China, the leading shrimp importer in 2022 and 2023.
GLOBEFISH Trade Statistics - Shrimp Q2 2022
The GLOBEFISH Trade Statistics focus on trends in trade flows for the major product groups and most important traders using the most recently available data. Data is sourced from the...
GLOBEFISH Trade Statistics - Shrimp Q1 2022
The GLOBEFISH Trade Statistics focus on trends in trade flows for the major product groups and most important traders using the most recently available data. Data is sourced from the...
GLOBEFISH Trade Statistics Shrimp - Q3 2021
The GLOBEFISH Trade Statistics focus on trends in trade flows for the major product groups and most important traders using the most recently available data. Data is sourced from the...