WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR news

Here find all the latest news about the WaPOR project, from conferences and global events the project participates in, to country-specific news as well as new resources as they become available. 

Note that country pages offer a filtered view of the news if you wish to focus on news for a partner country of WaPOR phase 2 and the evolution of the project in the country.


These workshops come as a follow-up to the series of workshops that took place last year (in August 2021) at the intersection of two FAO Multi-disciplinary Fund projects: “Improving land...
Ethiopia is the 8th country to host an inception workshop marking the official launch of the new phase of the WaPOR project in the country. This workshop targeted newly appointed...
Water Accounting + (WA+) is a framework developed by IHE Delft and its partners, FAO and IWMI, to fill in demand of deriving information from open-access public-domain datasets to account...
A brief 3-day introductory training was held in Amman, Jordan, between the 3rd and 5th July 2022, to provide 32 Jordanian stakeholders and 6 Palestinian with the basic skills needed...
In his video message to governments and the international community at the plenary session of the 2nd High Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable...
Under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani, Minister of Water Resources, the FAO Representation in Iraq held the training workshop “Introduction to remote sensing derived FAO WaPOR...
FAO in collaboration with IHE Delft organized a training workshop in Bamako, Mali from 31 May to 2 June 2022, to help government organizations increase water productivity in both irrigated...
The WaPOR team attended the Living Planet Symposium which took place in Bonn, Germany from 23 to 27 May 2022 with the objective to further engage with the Earth Observation...
On March 30th, a WaPOR phase 2 inception workshop was held in Tunis, Tunisia, welcoming 20 in-person participants and some online participants. Attendees came from a wide range of backgrounds...
On March 29th, a WaPOR phase 2 inception workshop was held in Maputo, Mozambique, welcoming 31 participants, both in person and virtually, from a wide range of backgrounds and institutions...
From March 21 to 26, the 9th edition of the World Water Forum will take place in Dakar, Sénégal. This year's organising commitee seeks to make this of edition a...
Several parts of the world rely on groundwater for different essential uses for society: agriculture, domestic use and services. In the Azraq groundwater basin, in Jordan, that is certainly the...
The city of Baghdad, capital of Iraq, a WaPOR 2 partner country, will host stakeholders of the water community from all over the world, and particularly from the MENA region...
WaPORACT was created by FAO partner, eLEAF, to support the development of customized geodata services in Africa and the Near East. It is a suite of Python tools that permit...
The Jordanian National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) and the FAO have formalized a partnership in the creation of an irrigation mobile application using WaPOR data. The letter of agreement was...
On December 14th, a WaPOR phase 2 inception workshop was held in Baghdad, Iraq, welcoming 50 in-person and 39 virtual participants from a wide range of backgrounds and institutions: the...
On the 22nd of November, the Land and Water Division at FAO hosted the webinar “From satellites to fields. Innovations supporting farmers” to officially kick-off the second phase of the...
On November 24th, a WaPOR phase 2 inception workshop was held in Alger, Algeria, welcoming 36 in-person participants from a wide range of backgrounds and institutions: the ministry of agriculture...
The FAO Land and Water Division invites you to the webinar “From satellites to fields. Innovations supporting farmers” organized on 22 November 2021, from 12.30 to 14.00 (Central European Time,...
  On October 27, the FAO hosted a session at the Cairo Water Week that explored the use of remote-sensing data titled: Water Productivity Improvement in Practice from Remote Sensing Data...