Review of animal welfare legislation in the beef, pork, and poultry industries
This study aims to give an overview of the legal framework that applies to animal welfare in the EU and...
Ukraine: soil fertility to strengthen climate resilience
Ukraine is renowned as the breadbasket of Europe thanks to its black soils (“Chernozem” black because of the high organic...
Farmers' Organizations in Bangladesh: a Mapping and Capacity Assessment
This study addresses the knowledge gap around farmers organizations in Bangladesh, identifying the main constraints they face to participating in...
Zambia, irrigation market brief
In Africa, more than any other sector, agribusiness has the potential to reduce poverty and drive economic growth. Agriculture accounts...
Morocco, oilseeds sector review
The Moroccan oilseed sector has experienced a substantial decline since the 1990s. The decline began with the cessation of high...
Jamaica: review of agricultural sector support and taxation
Economic growth in Jamaica is driven by three primary industries, the smallest being agriculture. Agriculture accounts for a declining share...
Rice in the Shadow of Skyscrapers: policy Choices in a Dynamic East and Southeast Asian Setting
This compendium of policy notes is the result of cooperation between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, The...
Ukraine - Meat sector review
Worldwide productivity growth throughout the meat production chain has been significant in recent years. Meat production has grown about 300...
Russian Federation: Meat sector review
World food demand has seen massive changes, including a shift from staple foods to animal proteins and vegetable oils. In...
Ghana, irrigation market brief
In Africa, more than any other sector, agribusiness has the potential to reduce poverty and drive economic growth. Agriculture accounts...
Lao People's Democratic Republic: Rice policy study
Rice is a key staple in the Lao PDR, as in most of the region, and as such is an...
Emerging investment trends in primary agriculture: a reviews of equity funds and other foreign-led investments in the CEE and CIS region
In recent years, private equity funds that invest a substantial part or all of their capital in primary agriculture have...
Pakistan: review of the wheat sector and grain storage issues
Wheat is of paramount importance in Pakistan, with 80 percent of farmers growing it on a total of about 9...
Review of smallholder linkages for inclusive agribusiness development
The main purpose of this study is to gain insight into “collaborative business models”14 that provide opportunities for smallholder farmers...
Tenure of indigenous peoples territoriesand REDD+ as a forestry management incentive:the case of Mesoamerican countries
Programmes to reduce emissions from deforestation and ecosystem degradation, such as REDD+ and other forestry incentive programmes, including Payment for...
Promoting Investment in Agriculture for increased production and prductivity
This reports provides potential a policy framework for promoting, facilitating and supporting the acceleration of investment by the public and...
Ukraine: Sugar sector review
Ukraine is the second largest producer of sugar in Eastern Europe after the Russian Federation, contributing to about 1.2 percent...
Ukraine: improving milk supply in Northern Ukraine: technical assistance to Ukraine's dairy sector
Cow milk constitutes 98 percent of all milk produced in Ukraine with the remaining 2 percent of milk coming from...
Украина Обзор сахарной отрасли
Украинская сахарная отрасль, общий доход которой составил в...