Boîte à outils pour l’homologation des pesticides
La boîte à outils de la FAO pour l’homologation des pesticides est un système d’aide à la prise de décision conçu à l’intention des préposés à l’homologation dans les pays en développement, pour faciliter l’évaluation et l’autorisation des pesticides. La boîte à outils est en quelque sorte un manuel d’homologation virtuel que les préposés à l’homologation peuvent consulter régulièrement. Les agents des services d’homologation peuvent s’aider de la boîte à outils pour exécuter plusieurs opérations de routine, notamment pour identifier les données requises, évaluer les aspects techniques du dossier d’homologation, choisir une stratégie et des procédures appropriées pour l’homologation d’un pesticide, examiner les mesures d’atténuation des risques, obtenir des conseils sur la décision à prendre.
- Guidelines for the registration of microbial, botanical and semiochemical pest control agents for plant protection and public health uses [2017] [Also available in Arabic]
(Superseding guidelines on the registration of biological pest control agents [1988]): Biological pest control agents are naturally occurring or genetically modified agents that are distinguished from conventional chemical pesticides by their unique modes of action, low use volume, and target species specificity. These guidelines include information on biochemical and microbial pest control agents and their data requirements. - Guidelines for the Registration of Pesticides [2010] [also available in French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic]
This document provides general advice on the principles and processes for the registration of pesticides, including institutional and administrative arrangements. The guidelines highlight the vital role of inter- and intra-sectoral collaboration in the registration of pesticides in particular that of the health, environment and agriculture sectors.
Separate guidelines have been developed for many of the individual articles of the Code of Conduct and include:
- Guidelines on data requirements for the registration of pesticides [2013] (also available in Arabic)
These guidelines focus on the scientific data and other information that may be required to determine what products can be permitted for use and for what purposes. The data and other information described can be used to register all types of pesticides, including public health pesticides. - Guidelines on efficacy evaluation for the registration of plant protection products [2006] (also available in Arabic)
The present guidelines were developed to provide guidance for both the pesticide industry and for governments on the design, conduct and evaluation of pesticide efficacy trials, as stipulated by the Code of Conduct. The guidelines are limited to pesticides intended for plant protection, including the protection of stored products, and plant growth regulators, desiccants or defoliants.