Partnerships are at the core of FAO's mission to achieve global agreement towards a world free of hunger. Participating multiple stakeholders in planning and shaping inclusive policies, providing stakeholders with the necessary knowledge, norms and standards, strengthens collective ownership and improves the chances of long-term success.
FAO works in more than 130 countries around the world, striving to bring the values of the Organization and its Members as close as possible. By turning knowledge into action, we connect local work with national, regional and global initiatives that mutually enrich each other's collaboration in a seamless cycle.
In the Russian Federation, FAO Liaison Office actively collaborates with government agencies, regional intergovernmental organizations, academic and research institutions, civil society, the private sector and the media.
A spirit of partnership permeates almost every area of FAO's work - from facilitating intergovernmental multi-stakeholder platforms to ensure the exchange of technology, knowledge, experience and best practices, to mobilizing resources and attracting investment in a wide range of areas of agriculture.
The general interest of the parties in fruitful cooperation, mutual recognition of its strategic nature, legal consolidation of the content and mechanisms of relationships, their predictability and accountability make it possible to feel the impact on a global scale, but also extend their positive effect to local economic entities. A number of successful partnerships with the FAO Moscow Office have already been formalized through the signing of formal cooperation agreements.
We value all forms of collaboration to achieve our shared sustainable development goals, be it sharing data, implementing innovative solutions or mobilizing funds. Partnership, solidarity and the willingness to join forces across different locations, sectors and disciplines are key to achieving positive and impactful results. FAO will continue to partner with all those committed to ending hunger by 2030.