Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week (6MFW) - Brummana, Lebanon
The role Mediterranean forests in the Paris agreement
The Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week (6MFW) occurred from 1 to 5 April 2019 in Lebanon. The five sessions of the week concerned how Mediterranean forests can assist countries in the region to implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and implement the goals under the Paris Agreement. Embodying countries’ efforts to reduce their national emissions, NDCs are critical to both the success of the agreement and global efforts to address climate change. By collaborating with other relevant land-based sectors at the landscape level, the Mediterranean forest sector can play an important role in helping countries in the region to meet their NDC targets.
- Although threatened by drivers of degradation, forests are a natural capital for the Mediterranean region and play an important role in the context of global commitments.
- Forest monitoring systems are vital to prioritize forest-based solutions and can be used as a tool to define national priorities and influence management decisions.
- Climate finance can stimulate a change in the financial systems that will result in benefits to local economic opportunities.
- Climate finance should be more consistent with the Paris agreement and provide support to low carbon and resilient development pathways.
- Maximization of the climate impact and its leverage can be enhanced by international finance institutions who are more committed on fighting climate change.
The 6MFW showcased the use of forest-based solutions to address broader regional challenges such as sustainable development, energy transition, demographic change and migration. It considered how to create an enabling environment to broaden the use of these solutions while emphasizing the importance of recognizing and protecting the social, environmental, economic and cultural value of the goods and services already provided by Mediterranean forests.
At the Sixth Mediterranean Forest Week (6MFW) held in Brummana, Lebanon, in April 2019, young Mediterranean professionals in the fields of forestry and environment made a vibrant call for more forest-related job opportunities to tackle environmental challenges that they will have to face in a changing global environment.
The Brummana declaration serves as the framework for discussions regarding the role of Mediterranean forests to fulfil the nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Consistent with Silva Mediterranea's strategies, the Declaration combines the commitments of the Agadir Commitment with the NDCs under the Paris Agreement. The Declaration also highlights the importance of empowering young entrepreneurs along with the communication used to achieve this.
Video Interview
Chadi Mohanna, former Silva Mediterranea Chair, explains why the 6th Mediterranean Forest Week taking place in Lebanon in early April 2019 was so important for the region and the sustainable management of its forest resources.
6th Mediterranean Forest Week and the Paris Agreement
Chadi Mohanna explains why the 6th Mediterranean Forest Week that took place in Lebanon in early April 2019 is so important for the region and the sustainable...