Non-wood forest products
The working group (WG) has a broad mandate to address the strategic question of the Mediterranean non-wood forest products, aiming at raising their profile, role and contribution for increasing forests’ value for society, especially for rural populations.
This WG was originally focused on cork oak, as it is the continuation of the research network on the silviculture of cork oak that was established in 1992 at the 15th session of the Silva Mediterranea Committee in Faro. During the 21st session of the Committee in Antalya it was decided that the WG would evolve and be extended to all Mediterranean non-wood forest products in order to have a wider participation of interested countries of the region.
The objectives are to exchange information and technology and to share experiences. The main goal is to identify priorities for research and to implement studies and surveys based on the exchange of experiences and pending on the availability of resources.
The latest survey launched in June 2022 has the objective is to assess Member States’ expectations regarding the aim and objectives of this working group and to identify activities for the next period (2022–2024). Its results will provide input for a proposal to be presented to the next meeting of the Committee for endorsement and decision.
Divisão de Gestão Florestal e Competitividade, Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, Portugal