Urban and peri-urban forestry
In a world where urban areas are rapidly expanding, sound management of resources in and around cities is of primary importance to assure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of urban development. This is also the case for the Mediterranean region, one of the most altered and urbanized areas of the planet, where 507 million people live (as of 2010) and where urban population is expected to reach 626 million by 2050. Growing evidence of the unsustainable manner in which cities have developed is now drawing attention to the need to focus efforts on a resilient urban model. The urban and peri-urban forestry (UPF) approach can contribute to this goal by promoting the economic, social and environmental benefits provided by trees and green spaces in and around urban areas. When well-managed and integrated in the urban and peri-urban areas, trees and green spaces can contribute to solving a range of local challenges, including:
- local climate-change mitigation and adaptation;
- quality food and water supply;
- community health and well-being;
- jobs and income generation;
- environmental conservation;
- disaster risk management; and
- making cities a better and healthier place to live.
Despite this, most cities in the Mediterranean region lack forests and trees, while UPF is not yet recognized as an established scientific discipline nor as a strategic factor for the sustainable development of urban and peri-urban areas. As a result, urban forestry-related issues rank low on the local agenda of Mediterranean cities, both in developed and developing countries. Therefore, there is a need for an exchange of expertise, experiences and information on UPF to help build a common Mediterranean strategy for the promotion of a “green vision” while raising UPF on the political agendas in the region. The purpose and mandate of this group is to establish and consolidate a UPF networking strategy for Mediterranean countries by acting as a neutral forum where nations can meet and negotiate agreements and debate policy on UPF.
While allowing for the exchange of valuable information on the state-of-the-art urban and peri-urban forestry in Mediterranean countries, the mandate of the working group (WG) is to develop a UPF networking strategy for Mediterranean countries and to act as a neutral forum where nations can meet and develop agreements and debate policy aspects on UPF issues. In particular, the WG focuses on the following priorities:
- develop a regional UPF Mediterranean partnership aimed at allowing the exchange of valuable information and experiences on the state of Mediterranean urban forests in the region;
- consolidate the horizontal partnership (between northern, eastern, southern and western countries) and the vertical dialogue (north and south) between decision-makers, scientists, technicians and associations in order to build a strategic and common vision of green infrastructure and urban forests and to raise the visibility of UPF up on the local agendas of Mediterranean countries;
- build a regional partnership to improve Mediterranean north-south networking in general, particularly countries’ policy networking; and
- raise local and regional awareness of citizens and stakeholders on the benefits and incomes related to the presence and good management of forests and greenery in and around cities.
The WG also contributes to the goals of the Tlemcen Declaration, adopted in the Third Mediterranean Forest Week, namely:
- developing and promoting goods and services provided by forest ecosystems and other wooded lands in the Mediterranean;
- promoting the resilience of forest ecosystems and other wooded lands in the Mediterranean to face global changes; and
- enhancing the capacity of stakeholders and mobilizing the necessary resources for the sustainable management of forest ecosystems and other wooded lands in the Mediterranean.
Besides helping to meet the objectives of several international institutions, the WG is also in line with the European Union Key action 12 – to explore the potential of urban and peri-urban forests – and the mandate of the European Forum on Urban Forestry (EFUF). Indeed, experience gained by the EFUF network needs to be extended to the whole Mediterranean region, and the WG may ensure this function.
Objectives and work plan
During the meeting in April 2020, the working group agreed on the following plan of activities to be implemented over the following two years:
Task Force 1 regards the development of a series of thematic briefs addressed to provide recommendations towards the implementation of policies maximizing the contribution of UPF in addressing urban challenges. It is coordinated by Ms Michela Conigliaro and Mr Simone Borelli, FAO– see progresses.
Task Force 2 concerns the development of a position paper on the role of UPF in increasing the resilience of urban communities to health issues in the Mediterranean region. It is coordinated by Mr Fabio Salbitano, University of Florence.
Task Force 3 is the organization of thematic webinars to address specific issues related to UPF in the region. It is coordinated by Ms Michela Conigliaro and Mr Simone Borelli, FAO - see progresses.
Task Force 4 focuses on the development of project proposals. It is coordinated by Ms Paloma Cariñanos, University of Granada.
Task Force 5 concerns the development technical guidelines on criteria for the selection and use of tree species in urban and peri-urban contexts in the region. It is coordinated by Mr Alessio Fini, University of Milan.
Task Force 6 is for the development of a database of regional case studies. It is coordinated by Ms Michela Conigliaro and Mr Simone Borelli, FAO.
Task Force 7 regards the development of a framework for the classification of UPF indicators. It is coordinated by Mr Artur Gonçalves, University of Braganza.
Task Force 8 centres on the organization of living laboratories and activities to support knowledge sharing and capacity development within the region, as well as the replication successful case studies. It is coordinated by Ms Maria Beatrice Andreucci, Sapienza University of Rome.
The Secretariat of the working group is normally led by two coordinators and a reference person of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The role of the Secretariat of the working group is to coordinate at the regional level the national focal points that wish to participate in the activities of the group itself. The Secretariat of the WG works in close collaboration with the FAO Urban and peri-urban forestry programme, whose main role is to ensure coordination and dialogue in the implementation of the activities developed by the Group.
Ms Michela Conigliaro - Urban and Peri Urban Forestry - FAO
Mr Simone Borrelli - Urban and Peri Urban Forestry - FAO
Ms Paloma Cariñanos - University of Granada
Mr Alessio Fini - University of Milan