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Country Leaflet

TCP/KAZ/3902/C1 TCPF: Developing the Concept on food security and sustainable food systems 2024 202597,000$
TCP/KAZ/3904/C3 TCPF: Technical support for improving rural finance 2024 202548,000$
TCP/KAZ/4001 Elaboration of the long-term sectoral program for the development of dairy farming 2024 202555,000$
TCP/KAZ/4002 Technical support to conduct the Combined National Agricultural Census 2025 2024 202550,000$
TCP/KAZ/3901 Contribution to development and further scaling up of healthy nutrition 2023 2025465,000$
TCP/KAZ/3903/C2 TCPF: Strengthening the Statistical System on Accounting for the Production of Agri-Food Products 2023 202475,000$
OSRO/KAZ/007/USA Enhancing the One Health approach in Kazakhstan and its capacity to tackle AMR and zoonotic diseases 2023 2027550,000$
OSRO/KAZ/008/USA Global Health Security Project: Enhancing the One Health approach in Kazakhstan and its capacity to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and zoonotic diseases 2023 2027650,000$
GCP /KAZ/11373P/GFF Transforming Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture in Kazakhstan to Ensure Environmental Sustainability 2024 2025100,000$
GCP /KAZ/11382P/GFF SLM and restoration of degraded lands mainstreaming biodiversity in Southern region of Kazakhstan (PPG) 2024 2025150,000$
GCP /KAZ/005/GFF Kazakhstan Resilient Agroforestry and Rangeland Project 2023 20271,940,367$