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TCP/PNG/4001 Emergency response to restore local food production in earthquake and landslide affected areas in Papua New Guinea 2024 2025300,000$
TCP/PNG/3905 Strengthening institutional capacities of provincial and district development authorities for sustainable and inclusive rural development, ensuring food security and increased income generation 2023 2024150,000$
TCP/PNG/3906/C1 TCPF: Support to developing new approach to mangrove management and conservation in Manus province 2023 2024100,000$
TCP/PNG/3901 Enhancing food security and combating climate change through scaling up Sago palm production 2022 2024472,000$
GCP /PNG/011/GFF Enabling sustainable production landscapes in Eastern Highlands & Western Highlands Provinces (FSP) 2023 20276,463,097$
GCP /PNG/017/EC EU - Forestry, Climate Change and Biodiversity nexus National Forest Inventory 2023 20263,218,884$
GCP /PNG/11105P/GFF Maintaining the integrity of globally significant intact tropical forest landscapes in the Gulf Province and Western Province of Papua New Guinea (PPG) 2023 2024300,000$
UNJP/PNG/010/EC Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (STREIT PNG) 2020 202554,024,571$