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TCP/RWA/4001 Reconsidering the potential of water resources development to expand irrigated land in Rwanda 2024 2025332,000$
TCP/RWA/4002/C1 TCPF: Support to finalize the Strategic Roadmap and implementation plan for Rwanda Seed Industry 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/RWA/3903 Support to the development of the Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation (PSTA5; 2024-2029) 2023 2025350,000$
TCP/RWA/3905 Supporting innovative urban agriculture for enhanced food security and nutrition 2023 2025151,000$
TCP/RWA/3901 Technical assistance and capacity building for cold chain development in Rwanda 2023 2024300,000$
TCP/RWA/3904 Provision of Emergency livestock assistance to vulnerable rural households affected by floods and landslides in Rwanda 2023 2024500,000$
OSRO/RWA/053/USA Global Health Security (GHS) Project - Strengthening animal health and One Health capacities to prevent and mitigate zoonotic diseases, food safety and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) risks and threats in Rwanda 2023 2027750,000$
GCP /RWA/046/EC Capacity development for innovation in Rwanda: strengthening innovation partnerships in six districts: Burera, Rutsiro, Gatsibo, Nyagatare, Bugesera, and Ruhango 2021 20252,483,805$
UNJP/RWA/049/UWN Food Crisis Response: Rural Women`s Economic Empowerment 2023 2027900,000$
UNJP/RWA/052/UNJ Prototype Financing MSMEs in Rwanda 2023 2024133,020$
UNJP/RWA/048/UNJ Effectively Fighting Stunting in Rwanda (Phase 3) 2022 20251,166,300$
UNJP/RWA/051/UNJ Achieving Transformative Change in Rwanda Through Building Sustainable and Livable Cities for All 2021 2024133,020$
UNJP/RWA/045/UNJ Accelerating Progress Towards the Economic Empowerment of Rural Women under the Rwanda SDG Fund 2020 2024456,516$