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Country Leaflet

TCP/VAN/3905/C1 TCPF: Support for development of sustainable value chains for climate-smart agriculture in Tongoa Island 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/VAN/3904 Support for the mid-term review of the National Agriculture Sector Policy and the development of the new National Forest Policy 2023 2025225,000$
TCP/VAN/3903 Emergency support for the rehabilitation of agricultural livelihoods of households affected by cyclones Judy and Kevin in Vanuatu 2023 2024400,000$
TCP/VAN/3901 Building resilience in Vanuatu`s small-scale fisheries sector through improved vessel designs 2022 2025150,000$
TCP/VAN/3902 Developing capacity for implementing Vanuatu National Census of Agriculture 2022 2022 2025300,000$
GCP /VAN/11265P/GFF Community led nature based solutions for resilient land and seascapes in Vanuatu (PPG) 2023 2024150,000$
GCP /VAN/005/GFF Strengthening Capacity in the Energy, Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land-use Sectors for Enhanced Transparency in the Implementation and Monitoring of Vanuatu`s Nationally Determined Contribution (MSP) ( 2022 20251,137,215$
GCP /VAN/003/GFF Ecosystem Restoration and Sustainable Land Management in Tongoa Island (MSP) (FSP) 2021 2025867,580$
GCP /VAN/001/GFF Integrated Sustainable Land and Coastal Management (FSP) 2017 20254,605,680$