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Country Leaflet

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TCP/IRQ/3903 Strengthening Government capacity to monitor and report SDGs under FAO`s custody 2024 2025120,000$
TCP/IRQ/3905/C4 Improving the agripreneurial skills of agriculture graduates 2023 202593,704$
TCP/IRQ/3902/C1 Strengthening the capacity of beekeepers women and youth, on business management and post-harvest marketing 2023 202486,000$
TCP/IRQ/3904/C3 Agriculture Survey in Iraq: Status and Needs Assessment 2023 202499,093$
TCP/IRQ/3901/C1 Developing National Food Security and Nutrition Strategy in Iraq 2022 2024100,000$
GCP /IRQ/073/CAN Enhancing Climate-Resilient Agriculture in Southern Iraq 2023 20277,317,805$
GCP /IRQ/075/NOR Integration of Climate-Smart Practices for Women Empowerment in Iraq 2023 20261,382,176$
GCP /IRQ/008/USA Strengthening Iraq Veterinary Legislation and Expanding Delivery of Animal Health Services 2023 20253,986,422$
GCP /IRQ/007/SWE Enhance climate resilience of vulnerable agriculture households in Southern Iraq through the promotion of climate smart water management and good agriculture practices in selected value chains 2022 202610,230,179$
GCP /IRQ/004/EC Restoration and strengthening the resilience of agri-food systems in Southern Iraq 2021 202522,762,578$
GCP /IRQ/003/GFF Sustainable Land Management for Improved Livelihoods in Degraded Areas of Iraq (FSP) 2020 20263,549,321$