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Country Leaflet

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TCP/TUR/3907/C6 TCPF: Capacity Building on Agricultural Heritage Systems 2023 202550,000$
TCP/TUR/3903/C3 TCPF: Support for Determination of Agricultural Business Typology engaged in Livestock Activities 2023 202450,000$
TCP/TUR/3905/C5 TCPF: Support to the Development of Sustainable Fishing Tourism 2023 202470,000$
OSRO/TUR/011/GER Rural Revive: Rebuilding Rural Communities Through Cooperative Movement 2024 20241,060,090$
OSRO/TUR/901/EC Building Resilience of Syrians under Temporary Protection and Host Communities in Turkey through Supporting Socio-Economic Integration and Creating Livelihood Opportunities 2019 202411,419,778$
UTF /TUR/071/TUR-F Climate Change Awareness Assessment and Capacity Building (SHARP+ Tool) 2024 2025130,000$
GCP /TUR/11313/GFF Enabling the Republic of Türkiye to Prepare Its Frist Biennial Transparency Report (BTR1) and Joint Ninth National Communication and Second Biennial Transparency Report (NC9/BTR2) 2024 20281,233,000$
GCP /TUR/11234P/GFF Increasing the Sustainability and Resilience of Agriculture/Food system Through Nature-Based Solutions (PPG) 2024 2025150,000$
GCP /TUR/069/GFF Enhancement of agro-ecological management system through promoting ecosystem-oriented food production (MSP) (FSP) 2023 2026703,425$
GCP /TUR/11319P/GFF Strengthening cap. of the Republic of Türkiye to comply with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (PPG) 2023 202450,000$
GCP /TUR/904/GFF Strengthening the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Management of Forest Landscapes in Turkey`s Kazdaglari Region (FSP) 2022 20274,657,534$
GCP /TUR/905/GFF Sustainable and Integrated Water Resource Management in Gediz River Basin in Turkey (FSP) 2022 20251,143,139$
GCP /TUR/065/GFF Contributing to Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Target Setting by Demonstrating the LDN Approach (FSP) 2019 20242,388,584$
UNJP/TUR/072/WFP Programme for the Restoration and Revitalization of Smallholder Livestock Producers in Earthquake-Affected Areas in Türkiye 2024 2025120,000$