New fish drying technology boosts livelihoods in Ivorian towns
K. Pratt
24 February 2015, Rome--- In the small the fishing village of Abobodoumé, Côte d’Ivoire, it is estimated that 70-80 percent of local marine and freshwater catch is consumed in smoked form. Smoked fish is preferred by locals because of its nutrition benefits and it’s competitive prices compared to other protein sources such as milk, meat and eggs. And it also has a long shelf life, which is about 3-6 months. However, the traditional kilns widely used to prepare this popular food item do pose some problems.

Yvette Diei Ouadi is a fishery industry officer with FAO. In the following interview she explains what these problems are how a new project has revolutionized the process of fish smoking in this community.
6min. 03sec.
Tema(s): Desarrollo rural o agrícola, Pesca y acuicultura , Producción alimentaria y reservas, Sanidad alimentaria y protección del consumidor, Seguridad alimentaria
Realizador: Sandra Ferrari
Referencia: 11034