Uganda and China’s project results prove South-South Cooperation facilitated by FAO to be an effective tool for agricultural development

The President of the Republic of Uganda writes a letter to the President of the People’s Republic of China to recognize their significant cooperation

22/06/2017 - 

22 June 2017, Rome. The Government of Uganda committed to continue South-South Cooperation activities with China, facilitated by FAO, in light of the excellent results achieved so far. In a letter addressed to the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, the President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, wished “to recognize the significant cooperation between our two sister nations”.

“I highly appreciate the recent cordial cooperation under the framework of FAO South-South Cooperation Activities aimed at fostering agricultural development for the mutual benefit of our people,” stated the President of Uganda in the letter to his Chinese counterpart.

The Government of Uganda expressed its “full commitment to South-South Cooperation activities in supporting the Agricultural Sector Strategy Plan in Uganda”, to further upscale the results achieved so far within the framework of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme.

The Government of Uganda also expressed “sincere gratitude” to FAO for its involvement and “excellent supervision” both at FAO Headquarters in Rome and in Uganda.

Uganda-China project

This South-South Cooperation project is a tripartite Technical Assistance Project between the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Uganda and FAO. The project improved knowledge and allowed the development of skills through the transfer of technology  in  areas such as horticulture, cereal production, aquaculture, livestock and in the cross-cutting issues of agribusiness, value addition, agro-machinery, irrigation and renewable energy. Furthermore, trade, investment and capacity development were also incorporated in the project to further strengthen the sustainability.

The project started in 2012, with 31 Chinese agricultural experts and technicians deployed to Uganda for a period of two years. After achieving good results, the project was renewed in 2015 for another two years, in which 16 experts were engaged in up-scaling the technology transfer activities in Uganda.

The SSC project has improved the livelihoods of many. For instance, local farmers in the area of Butaleja constructed new and better houses thanks to the increase of their revenues experienced following the introduction of hybrid rice technologies by Chinese experts. “The farmers can now send their children to school,” said the Chairman of the Rice Farmer Association in Butaleja.

The project has also generated information about production and productivity that can be used for drafting guiding policies in horticulture, cereal production, fisheries and livestock. 

The SSC project has also facilitated USD 220 million Chinese investment to Uganda to set up the Kehong China- Uganda Agricultural Industrial Park, which was launched by the President of Uganda, Mr Museveni on 26 April 2017. The park is expected to create more than 20 000 employment opportunities for rural youth.


The government of Uganda pledged its support to continue the project’s SSC agricultural activities in order to attain long term impact in Uganda and other surrounding countries. The project will also aim at scaling up private business involvement.

Creating synergies among the Agricultural Sector Strategy Plan in Uganda, the One Belt One Road Chinese policy, and FAO’s Strategic Objectives, will be key to deliver results towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

FAO, China and South-South Cooperation: flagship programme

Started in 2008, the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme has supported two global projects and 13 projects in 11 host countries, including in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mongolia (2 projects), Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Uganda (2 projects). China’s long-term pledge to the South-South Programme makes up a total of $80 million.

FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme has resulted thus far in over 450 practical agricultural technologies transferred to the host countries while about 300 suitable crops, vegetables and other varieties were tested to assess yield and climate-sensitive potential in new settings, and to boost local knowledge of advanced planting and breeding technologies. In addition, over 30,000 local farmers and agricultural technicians received field training.

The FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme is making a particular positive impact in agricultural development. Proof of this is how food security has improved in the host countries thanks to the introduction of high-yielding new varieties, advanced planting and breeding technologies.