
25 Feb 2015
Cactus pear marmalade to join more traditional jams on Italian shelves
A cooperative of women in Ethiopia is set to reach the international market thanks to a partnership between Italian gourmet food store Eataly and FAO. The two joined forces in 2013 to support family farmers around the globe in boosting their production and finding ways to reach new overseas customers. The work with the women's cooperative is one example of this collaboration.For a few years Tsega Gebrekidan...
18 Feb 2015
Funds will flow to FAO’s new private sector trust fund, partnership includes projects in Africa
For the next three years, Swedish lighting company Aura Light will donate 1 percent of its revenues on all sustainable lighting installation and products sold in southern European retail outlets to the global effort to eliminate hunger. Aura Light International CEO Martin Malmros and FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva today signed a partnership agreement that will channel a portion of the company’s sales in Italy, Spain, Greece and Portugal to FAO, where they will support specific projects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, food security and sustainability. “Sustainability and social responsibility comes naturally to us, so I am very proud to...
19 Nov 2014
FAO welcomes support from leading Italian mobility companies to ICN2
Malnutrition is one of the greatest threats to people’s health and well-being. It imposes unacceptably high health, social and economic costs, especially on women, children and the elderly, and more broadly on families and society. Improving nutrition, and ensuring everyone has access to a healthy diet, is not the responsibility of the individual alone. Nutrition is a public issue that must be addressed primarily by governments, in collaboration with other stakeholders including civil society, the private sector and academia. In this partnership framework, FAO especially welcomes the support of Italian transport giants Aeroporti di Roma (ADR), Ferrovie dello Stato...
14 Nov 2014
2nd meeting of the organizing committee on access to land calls for civil society organizations and governmental institutions to mobilize and launch global debate on land tenure and investment agreements
2nd meeting of the organizing committee on access to land calls for civil society organizations and governmental institutions to mobilize and launch global debate on land tenure and investment agreements    The International Organizing Committee of the World Forum on Access to Land and Natural Resources (WFAL) held its second meeting at FAO’s headquarters in Rome earlier this month, encouraging a discussion on solutions to help improve poor farmers’ access to land, water and natural resources.   Signatories of the WFAL call for a global forum on the subject to be held next year to...
15 Oct 2014
Graziano da Silva addresses private sector representatives attending the CFS
FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva, today urged private sector representatives to contribute to the creation of conditions that ensure responsible investments in food production and agriculture. “Investment is a private decision. It’s your decision. You are the only ones responsible for investments, which however need an enabling environment,” the FAO Director-General said speaking to members of the Private Sector Mechanism partnership attending the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) in Rome. “Help these principles become part of the environment considered necessary for investment,” Graziano da Silva said, referring to the Principles for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems (RAI) that were...