
South-south Cooperation
16 Feb 2024
13/02/2024 Rome – In order to kick-start imminent 2024 South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) joint initiatives, the three Rome-based Agencies (RBAs) Directors in charge of SSTC met this week at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Discussions were held on a revised joint roadmap for SSTC, to expand the RBAs current SSTC partnership base, donor engagement, improve their approach to evidence-based knowledge promotion, and enhance advocacy and communication on SSTC value and contributions to Zero Hunger. The three RBAs agreed on the need to strengthen collaboration with other UN Agencies, International and Financial Institutions, governments, policy makers, experts,...
South-south Cooperation
15 Feb 2024
15/02/2024 Rome/Jakarta – The South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division (PST) in FAO, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia and the FAO representation for Indonesia met today to discuss new potential partnership opportunities through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC). South-South and Triangular Cooperation, is an active mechanism that promotes global visibility, demonstrates commitment and responsibility towards the international community. FAO, being a successful promotor and facilitator of SSTC in the field of agriculture and food security, expressed its willingness to find ways to further strengthen SSTC partnerships between FAO and Indonesia...
South-south Cooperation
14 Feb 2024
14 February 2024, Ankara – On 6 February 2024, at an inception workshop, FAO and Türkiye launched a new project entitled “Building Capacities through South-South Cooperation (SSTC)”. The project is designed to facilitate SSTC actions between Türkiye and participating countries and enhance the impacts of other projects and activities implemented under the FAO-Türkiye Partnership Programme on Food and Agriculture (FTPP II) and the FAO-Türkiye Forestry Partnership Programme (FTFP). 
South-south Cooperation
08 Feb 2024
During a meeting with Rome- based Agencies (RBAs), UNOSSC Director Dima Al-Khatib presented an overview of UNOSSC’s work in supporting intergovernmental South-South and triangular cooperation processes; the coordination of a High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation, and the development of guidelines to mainstream South-South and triangular cooperation in UN country team work.
Parliamentary alliances
06 Feb 2024
Members of African national and regional parliaments actively took part in events organized by FAO at the 16th GFFA in Berlin, Germany in January 2024. They shared their knowledge and perspectives on the role of Parliamentarians to achieve zero Hunger.
On 18 and 19 January 2024, Honourable Neema Lugangira, Member of Parliament of Tanzania, and Honourable Francoise Uwumukiza, Member of the East African Legislative Assembly (from Rwanda), two frontline advocates in the fight against hunger and malnutrition took part in discussion co-organized or facilitated by FAO at the 16th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) held in Berlin, Germany. On 18 January 2024, Hon. Lugangira, Member of Parliament of Tanzania, participated in an Expert Panel “School meal nutrition standards as a tool to support the right to food in schools”, co-organized by FAO and the World Food...
South-south Cooperation
05 Feb 2024
Rome, 25 January 2024. December 2023 marked the end of a seven-year intervention led by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat to assist Cambodia and Sri Lanka in ensuring that the agricultural produce of its farmers meets the required phytosanitary standards for export and international trade, and that farmers gain market access for their agricultural produce.
12 Jan 2024
Building upon a successful partnership since 2016, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Sapienza University of Rome are set to reinforce their collaboration through the formalization of a new Memorandum of Understanding. The signing ceremony, held on December 21, 2023, marks a significant step in advancing interdisciplinary interactions and fostering global impacts though joint efforts in critical fields. The collaboration between FAO and Sapienza University has a rich history, marked by notable achievements and milestones. These include the enhancement...
South-south Cooperation
10 Jan 2024
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development (EAPD) have signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at strengthening efforts in promoting south-south and triangular cooperation (SSTC) to boost the transformation of agrifood systems, improve food security, and support the global efforts towards the 2030 Sustainable Agenda.
South-south Cooperation
04 Jan 2024
The year ended successfully for the FAO-China South-South Cooperation (SSC) Programme, with the signature of three new project documents, by FAO, China and the three host governments of Malawi, Namibia, and Kenya. The signing of these projects symbolizes a renewed commitment, engagement, and further opportunities for these new South-South and Triangular Cooperation partnerships. The first project: “Technical Assistance under the SSC with the People’s Republic of China in support of the Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp) in Malawi – phase II” was signed, for a total budget of USD 1.4 million, to support the crop production, agricultural mechanization, integrated...
Civil Society
20 Dec 2023
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Mabunduka Agro Farmers Association have signed a Letter of Intent on 7 December expressing their interest in working together on green job opportunities in agriculture in Sierra Leone. While agriculture remains the largest employer in the world, it is a major source of greenhouse gas emissions, the largest user, and a significant polluter of water, and can cause both land degradation and loss of biodiversity. However, the agriculture sector can be part of the solution. Creating green jobs...