
FAO + Belgium. Finding innovative solutions for a hunger-free world

Resource Partners

Together we are… responding fast to humanitarian crises, acting early to mitigate the impact of disasters, bridging the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, providing sustainable solutions through innovation, improving food security and nutrition, …and enhancing global food governance.

Recent FAO + Belgium initiatives have worked to…


FAO + Luxembourg. Building prosperity for Zero Hunger

Resource Partners

Together we are… investing in resilient rural livelihoods, boosting youth employment, promoting food safety emergency preparedness and response, …and improving global food governance.

FAO + Luxembourg initiatives have…

  1. Fostered technology and knowledge exchange for more dynamic agri-food systems
  2. Facilitated youth’s [...]

COVID-19 Programa de Respuesta y Recuperación - Normas de comercio y seguridad alimentaria

Resource Partners

El impacto de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en el comercio mundial  no tiene precedentes en los tiempos recientes.   Está afectando todos los aspectos de las cadenas de suministro de alimentos,   creando riesgos inmediatos y a largo plazo para la disponibilidad y el acceso a los alimentos.    
