FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and Belgium

Presentation at the Council of the European Union - AGRIFAO


FAO Liaison Office in Brussels Director Raschad Al-Khafaji presented key priorities of the Organization as well as recent and upcoming activities of the FAO Brussels Office at the Council Working Party for International Food and Agriculture Questions (AGRIFAO).

He informed the Working Party of FAO’s work on key emergency agricultural interventions to support smallholder producers in Ukraine, who play a critical role in contributing to the country’s food security and alluded to the numerous information products, data and tools that FAO provides to support policy analyses and assessment of the war’s impact on food security and global agricultural markets.

Al-Khafaji then highlighted the fundamental transformation that FAO has undergone in recent years, making it more dynamic, efficient and effective in supporting Members, and working with Members and partners to transform agrifood systems.

He also reviewed the strong and dynamic partnership the Liaison Office has developed with the rotating Council presidencies.

AGRIFAO delegates acknowledged FAO for its significant work on crucial cross-cutting issues on the sustainable development agenda and stressed the importance of ensuring visibility for joint EU-FAO projects and activities.

FAO informs the various Council Working Parties on FAO’s many areas of work on a regular basis.
You can read more about the FAO Brussels’ work with the Council here.