FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium

FAO Brussels Director meets the Ambassador of the Solomon Islands


On the occasion of the Pacific Week of Agriculture in Fiji, held from 6-10 March 2023, with this year had the theme  "Growing Together: Transforming Pacific Agriculture and Forestry”, FAO Brussels Director Raschad Al-Khafaji paid a courtesy visit to H.E. Ambassador Moses Kouni Mose of the Solomon Islands in Brussels. 

The meeting reviewed the outcomes of the last FAO Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Solutions Forum (28-30 November 2022), where Pacific SIDS leaders agreed on the need to foster and accelerate innovation to transform agrifood systems and regain momentum towards the achievement of the SDGs.  

Small Island Developing States are striving to achieve sustainable development, particularly in the face of significant long-term challenges, such as the effects of COVID19 pandemic, climate change and natural disasters, as well as their economic vulnerability caused by geographic and economic isolation. Exploring how innovative solutions can help address these disproportionate aftershocks experienced in the Pacific Islands is critical. 

FAO is committed to improving food security, nutrition and livelihood opportunities in the local food and agriculture sectors in the Solomon Islands through various initiatives and activities. In particular, FAO supports capacity-building operations to enhance the production and farm management skills of the local population. The organization also invests in the poultry and coconut sectors through the Hand-in-Hand Initiative, while simultaneously supporting the fisheries sector, which is crucial to the economy of the Solomon Islands and a primary source of nutrition for its people. 

You can read more about the Solomon Islands’ food system here