Plataforma de conocimientos sobre agricultura familiar


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Manejo territorial en sociedades indígenas matrifocales

Estudios de Caso sobre los Pueblos Khasi, Wayuu, Shipibo-Conibo y Moso
En años recientes, el interés sobre el mundo físico y social de los pueblos indígenas ha ha aumentado, incrementando significativamente la literatura existente sobre los pueblos originarios alrededor del mundo. Estas investigaciones han contribuido a generar un mayor entendimiento de los pueblos indígenas. Sin embargo, aún hay temas que requieren...
China - Colombia - India - Peru
2020 - Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO)

Sistemas importantes del patrimonio agrícola mundial (SIPAM). La biodiversidad agrícola y los ecosistemas resilientes. Prácticas agrícolas tradicionales e identidad cultural

Durante siglos, los agricultores, pastores, pescadores y silvicultores han desarrollado sistemas agrícolas diversos y adaptados localmente, y los han gestionado con técnicas y prácticas ingeniosas que han perfeccionado con el paso de los años. Han sido los responsables de aportar a la humanidad una combinación esencial de servicios sociales, culturales,...
Algeria - China - Iran (Islamic Republic of) - Japan - Mexico - Peru - Republic of Korea - Spain - Sri Lanka - United Republic of Tanzania
2018 - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Las corporaciones reemplazan a los campesinos como la “vanguardia” de la nueva agenda de seguridad alimentaria en China

La seguridad alimentaria siempre ha sido la máxima prioridad de los gobernantes chinos. Hasta hace muy poco tiempo esto significaba garantizar que se produjera en China la suficiente comida para alimentar a la población entera, y esta tarea recaía casi por entero en el campesinado chino. A lo largo de los...
2015 - GRAIN

Los jóvenes y la agricultura

Desafíos clave y soluciones concretas
Esta publicación proporciona ejemplos de la vida real sobre cómo involucrar nuevamente a los jóvenes en la agricultura. El documento muestra cómo programas educativos personalizados pueden proveer a los jóvenes rurales las habilidades y el conocimiento necesarios para involucrarse en la agricultura y adoptar métodos de producción amigables con el...
Bahamas - Bangladesh - Brazil - Burkina Faso - Canada - China - Colombia - Ethiopia - France - Ghana - Grenada - Kenya - Madagascar - Mexico - Pakistan - Philippines - Republic of Moldova - Rwanda - Togo - Uganda - United States of America - Zambia

Cómo movilizar el potencial de la extensión agraria y rural

En este trabajo se presenta la posición de la FAO y el Foro Mundial sobre Servicios de Asesoramiento Rural (FMSAR) sobre la función que desempeñan actualmente los servicios de extensión agraria, así como el camino futuro a seguir. Las conclusiones que se presentan a continuación tienen por objeto mejorar la...
Benin - Burkina Faso - Cameroon - China - Guinea - Honduras - India - Kenya - Peru - Sri Lanka - Uganda - United Republic of Tanzania

Revista especializada
Unasylva - Actividades forestales en pequeña escala

Las actividades forestales en pequeña escala –entendidas aquí como el conjunto de actividades relacionadas con la propiedad forestal, la ordenación de los bosques y las empresas forestales– pueden contribuir considerablemente al desarrollo social y económico cuando las circunstancias son propicias. En este número de Unasylva se examinan las condiciones y...
Burkina Faso - China - Finland - Guatemala - Japan - Lithuania

Artículo de blog
Brasil e China fecharão acordo para criar aliança internacional contra fome

Numa iniciativa inédita, os governos do Brasil e da China vão assinar um compromisso de combater a fome e a pobreza extrema, prevendo até mesmo a construção de uma aliança nos organismos multilaterais para colocar o tema na agenda internacional. O acordo será assinado pelo presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), durante sua visita ao...
Brazil - China
2023 - UOL - O melhor conteúdo NOTÍCIAS

Artículo de revista especializada
The effects of quality certification on agricultural low-carbon production behavior: evidence from Chinese rice farmers

Low-carbon agricultural practices have received increasing attention, and the rapid development of agricultural product quality certification in China has provided a potential way to implement low-carbon agriculture. This study employs an endogenous switching regession to examine the effects of quality certification on low-carbon production behaviors using the survey data of...
2023 - International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability

Artículo de revista especializada
Agro-food quality certification, agricultural organizations, and farm performance: evidence from vegetable farmers in China

Agro-food quality certification has been gaining greater importance, because it contributes to both agricultural sustainability and food quality. However, small-scale farmers in developing countries have difficulties in obtaining certification and the economic benefits acquired from certification are unclear. This paper investigates the effects of agro-food quality certification on the farm...
2023 - Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, China

Artículo de revista especializada
Effects of land recuperation on farmers’ social capital: a Chinese field analysis

Social capital is an integral part of farmers’ life, which can be exogenously affected by land recuperation. Based on 1240 farmer field survey data in Gansu Province, this paper used the Logit model to analyse the influencing factors of farmers’ participation in land recuperation, and used the entropy method to...
2023 - Renmin University of China

Artículo de revista especializada
The design and implementation of a distributed agricultural service system for smallholder farmers in China

A large number of farms in developing countries are smallholder farms. In China, this trend is expected to persist for the foreseeable future. However, smallholder farmers in China face several challenges, including excessive fertilizer use for higher yields, low levels of education, aging and limited credit information. Moreover, they are...
2023 - Chinese Academy of Sciences

Artículo de blog
South-South Cooperation boosts expertise to protect plant health and livelihoods in Cambodia and Sri Lanka

Collaboration among farmers and technical experts is enhancing countries’ phytosanitary capacities
Smallholder farmers are important food producers globally. However, they often struggle to meet international standards on trade and related plant health requirements. Bridging the gap between smallholder farms and the global market is now more important than ever. Through South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) programmes, producers, exporters and technical experts are...
Cambodia - China - Sri Lanka
2023 - FAO

Ageing threatens sustainability of smallholder farming in China

Rapid demographic ageing substantially affects socioeconomic development1,2,3,4 and presents considerable challenges for food security and agricultural sustainability5,6,7,8, which have so far not been well understood. Here, by using data from more than 15,000 rural households with crops but no livestock across China, we show that rural population ageing reduced farm...

Consumer preference for food products addressing multiple dimensions of poverty: Evidence from China

Poverty alleviation products are made by impoverished producers and marketed as such to improve producers’returns. We implement an online discrete choice experiment on rice in China to explore consumer preference forproducts specifically labelled as poverty alleviation products that represent multiple dimensions of poverty. Wealso differentiate the nature of public and...

Artículo de revista especializada
Reflecting on the Plantationocene: the political economy of sugarcane plantations in Guangxi, China

This paper reflects on the concept of the Plantationocene through an analysis of sugarcane plantations in Guangxi province, China. It argues that although these plantations are owned and operated by local villagers, they are de facto controlled by corporations, and subject to state intervention through a ‘zoning scheme’. They are constructed and...
2022 - China Agricultural University

Artículo de revista especializada
The Analysis of Family Farm Efficiency and Its Influencing Factors: Evidence from Rural China

Improving the efficiency of family farms is of great significance to rural revitalization and agricultural modernization in China. In order to find out the development status and shortcomings of family farms in China, and put forward targeted policy recommendations to improve the efficiency of various family farms, this paper applies...
2022 - Wuhan University, China

Artículo de revista especializada
Determinants of farm-level adaptation strategies to flood: Insights from a farm household-level survey in coastal districts of Odisha

Farmers choose different strategies to cope with disasters. The scientific information on what adaption strategies do farmers across different socio-economic and regional strata choose to cope with disasters can help policymakers to make informed farm-level support interventions. Odisha is a flood-prone state in eastern India. The flood adaptation strategy choices...
2022 - Institute for Social and Economic Change, India

Artículo de revista especializada
A Study on the Impact of Natural Disasters on Farmers’ Relative Poverty

In 2020, China announced the successful completion of its poverty alleviation mission, noting that the focus of China’s poverty alleviation mission has shifted from eliminating absolute poverty to alleviating relative poverty. Due to global warming and frequent natural disasters, natural disaster shocks have seriously affected farmers’ livelihoods and aggravated relative...
2022 - Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan, China

Artículo de revista especializada
Impact of Natural Disaster Shocks on Farm Household Poverty Vulnerability—A Threshold Effect Based on Livelihood Resilience

Poverty caused by disasters poses a great challenge to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation. Livelihood resilience is the key factor for farmers to resist risks and get rid of poverty. Therefore, this study used the China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) database. Firstly, we examined the impact of natural disasters...
2022 - Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, China

Artículo de revista especializada
Livelihood Capital Effects on Famers’ Strategy Choices in Flood-Prone Areas—A Study in Rural China

The global climate change has resulted in huge flood damages, which seriously hinders the sustainable development of rural economy and society and causes famers’ livelihood problems. In flood-prone areas, it is imperative to actively study short and long-term strategies and solve farmers’ livelihood problems accordingly. Following the sustainable development analysis...
2022 - Chengdu University of Technology China
Total results:142
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