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Région du Comité FAO/OMS de coordination pour AFRICA (CCAFRICA) - Coordonnateur régional: UGANDA

Le Comité de coordination pour l’Afrique a été créé par la Commission du Codex Alimentarius en 1972, avec pour mandat «la mise en application d’une coordination générale dans l’élaboration de normes liées à la région de l’Afrique». Le Comité a organisé sa première réunion à la FAO en 1974: 19 pays étaient présents.

Alors que le nouveau coordonnateur régional entamait son mandat, l’Accord portant création de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf), entré en vigueur au mois de mai 2020, a souligné le besoin d’un système efficace de gestion des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, notamment dans le domaine de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments, sur tout le continent alors que ses frontières sont ouvertes au commerce.

Le coordonnateur régional opère au sein du Bureau national de normalisation d’Ouganda, établissement public placé sous l’égide du Ministère du commerce, de l’industrie et des coopératives, qui surveille, dans le cadre de son mandat, la promotion et l’utilisation des normes.

En tant que coordonnateur régional, l’Ouganda souhaite s’impliquer davantage auprès des pays, notamment au travers d’enquêtes, de séminaires web et d’ateliers, afin d’identifier les besoins et les problématiques émergentes, mais aussi sensibiliser aux questions prioritaires de sécurité sanitaire des aliments et aux normes du Codex. Par ailleurs, une étude pilote s’intéressera plus largement à l’état de la sécurité sanitaire des aliments dans la région. En renforçant son engagement auprès d’organismes régionaux tels que l’Union africaine, l’Organisation régionale africaine de normalisation et le secrétariat de la zone de libre-échange continentale africaine, l’Ouganda vise aussi à améliorer le travail de plaidoyer dans la région.


Actualités de la région

CCAFRICA / Codex think tank meets in Mahe, Seychelles

By John Oppong-Otoo, Food Safety Officer at AU-IBAR and Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA The Codex Africa Think tank comprised of 12 Member States (Cameroon, Egypt, Kenya, Morocco, Senegal, Seychelles, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, The Gambia, Uganda and Zambia), Regional Economic Communities with observer status in Codex (Economic Community for West African States and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa) and representatives from the African Union met from 15 to 17 March 2023 in Mahe, Seychelles to reflect on the [...]
23 April 2023

Continent-wide webinar focuses on how improved food safety is essential to achieve nutrition targets and end malnutrition

By Lusibilo Witson MWAMAKAMBA WHO The African Union Commission (AUC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) held a successful webinar on 23rd February 2023 in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the Codex Coordinating Committee for Africa (CCAFRICA). The webinar was held on the heels of the recently concluded African Union Year of Nutrition, 2022 and highlighted the inextricable links between food safety and nutrition to achieve optimal health [...]
14 March 2023

Gambia Launches National Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee

Abdoulie Jallow, Senior Scientific Officer Food Safety and Quality Authority, Gambia The National Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Committee of the Gambia was launched on 21st of February 2023, at a ceremony held at the premises of the Food Safety and Quality Authority of the Gambia. SPS Measures are vital instruments used by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other relevant international multilateral agencies to ensure food safety, protection of plants and animals from pests and diseases and the facilitation of international agricultural [...]
28 February 2023

World Food Safety Day: an opportunity for the Government of Uganda to promote safe food throughout the food chain

World Food Safety Day messages were delivered this year by ministers and experts in Uganda, who encouraged food business operators throughout the supply chain to help improve food safety within the country. The messages were delivered through TV and print media and a three-day training course was implemented “for food business operators and regulators in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industries and Fisheries”, according to The New Vision news outlet. The activities were organized as part of the [...]
29 November 2022

Codex Trust Fund / Twinning and mentorship programme with Burundi and Kenya

by Mr. Celestin Ntahomvukiye Codex Contact Point Burundi Five East African Community Partner States Burundi, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda are currently implementing a Codex Trust Fund (CTF) group project with the aim of strengthening national Codex Structures. One of the identified activities is to establish a twinning programme between partner states with well-functioning structures and those with their structures still under development. Burundi was allocated to Kenya for this mentorship program. The Codex Contact Point (CCP) from Kenya in liaison [...]
10 October 2022

Uganda mentors Tanzania on effective management and engagement in Codex activities

By Sylvia Kirabo, Head of Public Relations and Marketing at UNBS and Hakim Mufumbiro, Regional Coordinator CCAFRICA Uganda, which doubles as the current CCAFRICA Coordinator, has concluded a four-day Twinning and Mentorship programme on Codex Activities between Uganda and Tanzania that was held at the Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) Headquarters in Kampala from 19 to 22 September 2022. The objective of the twinning arrangement is to strengthen Member States capacity and efficiency in engaging and management of Codex activities especially [...]
27 September 2022

Formation des champions qualité et membres du Codex Forum national pour une participation effective du Burundi au Codex Alimentarius

Les champions qualité, les membres du Codex Forum national et les représentants d’autres organisations impliquées dans le contrôle de la qualité viennent, avec l’appui de la FAO au Burundi, d’être formés et sensibilisés du 24 au 25 aout 2022 sur les activités menées par le Codex Alimentarius au niveau international, régional et national afin d’obtenir leur adhésion. Cette activité a été suivi par une réunion du groupe technique de travail pour l’opérationalisation et la mise en œuvre du Manuel de [...]
07 September 2022

CCAFRICA24 / standards can improve food safety and competitiveness across Africa

The FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Africa opened virtually from Kampala, Uganda on Monday 5 September 2022. In opening remarks, Hon. Ms. Harriet Ntabazi, State Minister for Trade, Uganda, called for harmonization of food safety standards across the continent. “If we merge as Africa and talk one language, if we concretize our standards together then the level of competitiveness as a continent will grow … in other markets.” Hon. Mrs. Margaret Muhanga Mugisha, State Minister for Primary Health Care, welcomed nearly 200 [...]
06 September 2022

Liberia / President signs law establishing Liberia Standards Authority

On 5 August 2022 the President of Liberia George Weah signed into law a series of bills. The official Facebook page of the Liberia Presidency and government websites describe the measures as a spur to national inclusiveness and to fight corruption. Amongst the bills signed is “an Act to Establish the Liberia Standards Authority.”  Stephen Mambu, Codex Contact Point for Liberia said, “Liberia now has a national standardization body known as the Liberia Standards Authority (LiSA). As part of this legislation, [...]
06 August 2022

Codex Trust Fund / Workshop in Nigeria on importance of using Codex standards

The National Codex Committee of Nigeria, in collaboration with FAO Nigeria, under the sponsorship of the Codex Trust Fund, held a two-day regional workshop from 26to 27July 2022 in Lagos, Nigeria to create awareness on the importance of using Codex Standards for farmers, processors, small and medium enterprises, and to train local journalists on the reporting of Codex activities. With more than 65 participants in attendance, the general objective of the workshop was to spread information and awareness on Codex Alimentarius [...]
05 August 2022

Coordonnateur CCAFRICA

Toutes les informations relatives au Codex sont publiques et gratuites.

Pour les questions régionales, contactez:

Secrétariat du CCAFRICA

Uganda National Bureau of Standards

Plot 2 - 12, Bypass Link, Industrial & Business park, Kyaliwajala road,
P.O Box 6329 Kampala, Uganda
Tél: +256 (041) 7333250 / 0417333251 / 0417333252
Courriel: [email protected]