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Координационный комитет Кодекса по Латинской Америке и странам Карибского бассейна (CCLAC), региональный координатор – Эквадор

В 1976 году в Риме Координационный комитет по Латинской Америке, основанный двумя годами ранее по итогам 10-й сессии Комиссии “Кодекс Алиментариус”, провел первое заседание с участием восьми стран региона. Однако уже на третьей сессии этого Комитета было выдвинуто предложение изменить его название на более точно отражающий состав стран-членов в регионе текущий вариант: Координационный комитет по Латинской Америке и странам Карибского бассейна. Предложенные изменения были утверждены Исполнительным комитетом, выступавшим от имени Комиссии, на 31-й сессии в 1984 году.

Регион Латинской Америки и стран Карибского бассейна занимает важное место в глобальных процессах производства и торговли пищевыми продуктами. В нем производится достаточно продовольствия как для собственного потребления, так и на экспорт, при этом его водных и земельных ресурсов достаточно для дальнейшего роста объемов производства.

Помимо огромных запасов природных богатств в регионе наблюдается расцвет сельскохозяйственной отрасли и особенно важного для местных жителей семейного фермерского хозяйства. Необходимо привлекать внимание к проблеме и укреплять меры безопасности пищевых продуктов на уровне всех регионов, чтобы гарантировать здоровье потребителей и справедливые и равные условия торговли.

Штаб-квартирой регионального координатора, которым выбран Эквадор, стало Агентство по фитосанитарному регулированию и контролю за здоровьем животных (AGROCALIDAD) при Министерстве сельского хозяйства и животноводства. Поставленные координатором цели включают повышение сплоченности стран в регионе и организацию взаимопомощи для преодоления региональных проблем и поиска решений общих задач.

Кроме того, координатор надеется укрепить сотрудничество между странами и расширить участие развивающихся стран в работе Комиссии и ее вспомогательных органов.


Новости из региона

Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil will hold a webinar for World Food Safety Day 2022

The Federal University of São Paulo (Universidade Federal de São Paulo) “Risk and Resilience in food safety” research group (Grupo de Estudos em Risco e Resiliência em Segurança dos Alimentos, GERRSAL) is planning a webinar to celebrate World Food Safety Day under the theme of the year, “Safer food, better health”. The event, which will take place on 7 June, will see undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and food safety professionals in the audience. The line-up of speakers includes Elke Stedefeldt, Laís Mariano [...]
07 June 2022

World Food Safety Day event for Costa Rica’s Institute of Learning

Costa Rica’s National Learning Institute (INA) will hold a World Food Safety Day virtual event on 7 June with two guest speakers. Esteban Murillo Viera, from INA’s Food Industry hub, will speak on "The National Learning Institute and its commitment to food safety in Costa Rica" and then Viviana Ramos Rodriguez, Director of the National Center for Poison Control, will speak about “General food poisoning trends in Costa Rica, according to reports from the National Center for Poison Control". Date & time: [...]
07 June 2022

Cuban youth encouraged to use artistic expression in World Food Safety Day competition

The Matanzas territorial standardization offices in Cuba are holding a talent competition to engage young people for World Food Safety Day. Anyone from Matanzas between the ages of 10 and 17 is invited to consider the theme of “health with safety” and to submit photographs, drawings, posters, poetry or audio-visual products that promote actions for safe, healthy eating and good hygiene practices in the community. Judges will be looking for creativity, relevance to the theme of the contest, the message being put [...]
07 June 2022

World Food Safety Day symposium in Ecuador for manufacturing and export

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07 June 2022

Mexico’s Universidad Ducens will host a Facebook live event for World Food Safety Day

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07 June 2022

Food safety training for agricultural students in Peru

A World Food Safety Day Facebook live event has been organized by the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina in Peru. The 7 June symposium will last from 17:00-21:30 local time (midnight to 04:30 CET on 7 June) and is aimed primarily at students, graduates, technicians, professionals and any interested members of the public who want to learn more about the mandatory safety system in Peru. The programme involves contributors from the public and private sectors and academia, with consumers represented by [...]
07 June 2022

Caribbean On the Move for Safer Food, Better Health

The Caribbean Agricultural Health and Food Safety Agency (CAHFSA) is organizing a World Food Safety Day webinar in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH), the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the Pan American Center for Foot-and-Mouth Disease and Veterinary Public Health, (PANAFTOSA-VPH-PAHO) and the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA). The two-part event will start with contributions from representatives of the international and regional organizations, moderated by Margarita Corrales (PANAFTOSA-VPH-PAHO). [...]
06 June 2022

Cuban authorities planning national World Food Safety Day celebrations

In Cuba, government authorities have planned a programme of activities aimed at raising awareness among decision-makers and the general public alike. A media campaign has been devised, which includes a press release and a promotional video to be aired across the Cuban television network. On 6 June, the President of the National Codex Committee of Cuba will be joined by colleagues from the Ministries of Agriculture and Public Health in a press conference. The President of the National Codex Committee, Director [...]
06 June 2022

World Food Safety Day webinar planned in Argentina

The Argentinian Food Safety Commission (Comisión Argentina de Inocuidad Alimentaria - CAIA) has organized a webinar for World Food Safety Day, in collaboration with the Argentinian Microbiology Association (the Asociación Argentina de Microbiología – AAM). The event will take place on 6 June. CAIA’s President, Fabiana Guglielmone, and Vice-President, Fernando Gallegos Sola will open a programme comprising five presentations: -        "Thinking about the future of food safety" from Marisa Caipo, Food Safety and Quality Officer of the Regional Office for Latin America and [...]
06 June 2022

Ecuador food safety and quality control company to host World Food Safety Day webinars

QFS (Quality Food Safety) Corporation in Ecuador is organizing a week-long series of World Food Safety Day webinars aimed at “focusing on best practices and safety processes to prevent foodborne illness and to ensure consumers [can access] safe and healthy food”. Date & time: 6-10 June 16:00 - 18:00 Ecuador time (23:00 7 June – 01:00 8 June CEST) Register here: Read more:  
06 June 2022

Video Message

Координатор CCLAC

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CCLAC Cекретариат

Agencia de Regulación y Control Fito y Zoosanitaria AGROCALIDAD
Avenida Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas

Электронное письмо: [email protected]