Estadísticas alimentarias y agrícolas

Cuarta Conferencia Internacional sobre Estadísticas Agrícolas


22 al 24 de octubre de 2007 en Beijing (China)

La cuarta Conferencia Internacional sobre Estadísticas Agrícolas (ICAS-4), hospedada por la Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas de China (NBS) y patrocinada por la FAO junto con otras organizaciones internacionales, regionales y nacionales, se celebrará del 22 al 24 de octubre de 2007 en Beijing (China).

Elaboración de estadísticas agrícolas
La Conferencia centrará su atención en los problemas fundamentales relacionados con la elaboración de estadísticas agrícolas dentro de un sistema nacional de estadística integrado. El tema de esta Conferencia, Advancing Statistical Integration and Analysis (Avanzar en la integración y el análisis estadísticos) pone de manifiesto muchas direcciones y esferas nuevas en las estadísticas agrícolas. La Conferencia promete un programa realmente variado e interesante, formado por discursos de presentación pronunciados por oradores destacados en este sector, debates de mesa redonda y sesiones paralelas dirigidas por destacados organizadores de todo el mundo. Todo ello se complementa con exposiciones y presentaciones por tablón de anuncios.

Análisis y debate

A través de análisis y debates, la Conferencia proporcionará un foro para facilitar una mejor comprensión de la relación entre las cuestiones económicas, sociales, políticas y geográficas vinculadas al desarrollo rural y la reducción de la pobreza y, en último término, para determinar, mantener y establecer los indicadores básicos necesarios para la formulación de políticas y la toma de decisiones. A fin de promover la utilización generalizada de estadísticas agrícolas la Conferencia destacará, sobre todo, la importancia de la armonización estadística y la necesidad de comparabilidad entre países. El programa detallado de la Conferencia puede consultarse en su sitio web.

Actividades sociales

Además de una amplia variedad de presentaciones técnicas, durante la primera noche los participantes en la Conferencia podrán asistir a actuaciones tradicionales chinas de la ópera de Beijing y de acrobacia, así como degustar la deliciosa y genuina cocina china en la cena oficial. Asimismo, en el lugar de celebración de la Conferencia habrá servicios comerciales para la realización de actividades sociales y visitas antes y después de la Conferencia con descuentos ventajosos. El mes de octubre, conocido como la "estación otoñal dorada", es el mejor mes para visitar Beijing.


La Conferencia está abierta a toda la comunidad internacional de estadísticas agrícolas, tanto productores como usuarios de estadísticas agrícolas; por ejemplo, estadísticos, investigadores, analistas y responsables de la toma de decisiones de organismos gubernamentales, instituciones académicas, empresas y el sector privado, así como la comunidad para el desarrollo, incluidas organizaciones internacionales y regionales. En vista del lugar de celebración de la Conferencia, se alienta especialmente a los estadísticos agrícolas con experiencia de Asia a participar en la misma.


Enlaces relacionados

Integration of Agricultural Statistics - System

Janusz Witkowski and Barbara Domaszewicz (Poland): Agricultural Statistics as an Integral Component of the National Statistical System in Poland

Nicolaes Heerschap (Netherlands): Agriculture Statistics Innovation at Statistics Netherlands

Moses Mnyaka (South Africa): Lessons Learned from the South Africa 2002 Census of Commercial Agriculture

Dhrijesh Tiwari (India): Integration of Agricultural Statistics System in India



Methodology and Technology - Remote Sensing

Kumari Gurusamy (India): Creating Agricultural Drought Statistics for Developing Countries Using Historic Data from Satellite Images

Ronald Wesonga (Uganda): Stochastic Optimization Model Using Remote Sensing Technologies for Agricultural Management in Africa

Jianhua ZhaoKaifen Shi, and Fenghua Wei (China): Research and Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Chinese Agricultural Statistics

Shuo Yang (China): Remote Sensing Monitoring Operation System for Agriculture



Agricultural and Rural Statistical Development - Indicators

V. K. Bhatia and S. C. Rai (India): Statistical Evaluation of Agricultural Development in Asian Countries

Timothy Marchant (UK): Strengthening Capacity to Monitor and Evaluate Agricultural and Rural Development Programs – Measuring Results in Less-Than-Ideal Conditions

Agnes Mary Ssekiboobo (Uganda): Practical Problems in the Estimation of Performance Indicators for the Agricultural Sector in Uganda



Agricultural Surveys and Censuses - Experience

Konstantin Laykam (Russia): General Overview of the 2006 All-Russia Agricultural Census Procedure, Design and Content

Xu Zhiquan (China): Experiences and Challenges of China's Agricultural Census

David Marshall (FAO): Agricultural Censuses in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) – Recent Country Experiences



Data Quality & Comparability - System

Berkeley Hill and Jan Karlsson (UK): Recommendations for Internationally-Comparable Statistics on Rural Development and Agricultural Household Income - Issues in Constructing a Handbook on Statistics on Rural Development and Agricultural Household Income

Michael Peter Ward (UK): FAO Norms and Standards: A Suitable Basis for Securing the Shifting Foundations of Agricultural Policy?

Xiaoning GongHaluk Kasnakoglu, and Hiek Som (FAO): Contributing to International Classification of Agricultural Products

Qi WangZhihong Tian, and Yonghua Sun (China): Research on the Statistical Aspects of International Agricultural Trade



New Domains & Dimensions - MDGs

Shanshan He (China): Statistics on Poverty-Relief and Monitoring Program of Rural Population in China

Funing ZhongHua Liu and Qi Miao (China): Reassessment of Poverty Status and Performance of Poverty Alleviation Measures

Luca Alinovi, Erdgin Mane (FAO) and Donato Romano (Italy): Towards the Measurement of Household Resilience to Food Insecurity: An Application to Palestinian Households

Ricardo Sibrian (FAO): Food Deprivation and Income Deprivation Indicators at National and Sub-National Levels: Methodological Issues



Keynote speeches

Ben Kiregyera (UBS / Uganda): Integrating Agricultural Statistics in National Strategies for Statistical Development (NSDS)

Misha Belkindas and Graham Eele (World Bank): Capacity Building for Better Agricultural Statistics



Integration of Agricultural Statistics - Accounts

Pratap Narain (India): Agriculture Activity in the National Accounts - How Well Is It Measured?

Linda Di MicoFranco Mari, and Alfonso Scardera (Italy): Policy Evaluation Through Farm Statistics: The Case of the Italian Farm Accountancy Data Network (RICA)


Mingmei Zhang (China): The Status of EAA in China and Its Reform Ideas

Rick Brunton and Carol Trickett (Australia): Measurement of Agricultural Output in the Australian System of National Accounts: Methods and Issues



Methodology and Technology - Enumeration Unit

James JohnsonMitch MorehartTheodore CoveyMary Ahearn (US), Koen BooneKrijn J. PoppeHans Vrolijk, (The Netherlands) and David Culver (Canada): The Net Value Added Approach as a Tool for Integration at the Micro Level

Bryan Thomas LohmarCynthia Nickerson (US) and Jintao Xu (China): "Land Conservation in theUnited States and China: A Comparison of Policies, Property Rights, and Data Implications for Assessment and Evaluation


Willis Oluoch-Kosura (Kenya): What Does Integration Imply in Choosing an Enumeration Unit:Enterprise, Holding or Individual? Does it Matter? Perspectives from Africa



Agricultural and Rural Statistical Development - Capacity Building

Ayissi Timothee (Cameroon): Agricultural and Rural Statistical Development – Capacity Building in Cameroon

Dominique Desbois (France) and Abdoulaye Adam (AfDB): Stakes and Pitfalls of the Development of Statistical Systems in Agriculture: the Web of Sustainable Development

Naman Keita (FAO): Agricultural and Rural Statistical Development – Capacity Building

Eloi Ouedraogo (AFRISTAT): The Development of Agricultural and Rural Information Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Challenges in Capacity Building to Meet Design, Monitoring and Policies Evaluation Needs



Agricultural Surveys and Censuses - Methodology

Vlad Temnikov, and Sergey Ipp (Russia):  Use of Geo-Informational Systems for the Russian Agriculture Census

Elisabetta Carfagna (Italy): Crop Area Estimates with Area Frames in the Presence of Measurement Errors

Octavio OliveiraFlavio Bolliger, and Antonio Florido (Brazil): Brazil Agricultural Census 2006: Innovations and Impacts

Anne-Marie Karlsson and Marie-Louise Widen (Sweden): Using Administrative Registers For Agricultural Statistics - Methodologies, Techniques and Experiences



Data Quality & Comparability - Dissemination

Marcelle Dion (Canada): Metadata: An Integral Part of Statistics Canada's Data Quality Framework

Xiaoning GongHiek Som, and Haluk Kasnakoglu (FAO): Toward a Metadata Framework for National Agricultural Statistics

Maura S. Lizarondo and Jing B. Jalisan (Philippines): The Philippine Experience in Setting up the CountrySTAT



New Domains & Dimensions - Labour

Monica Rodrigues (CEPAL): Agricultural Employment Trends in Latin America: Are There New Requirements for Statistics?

Pal Boday and Eva Laczka (Hungary): What Is the Best Indicator of Work Performed in Agriculture?

Shande ChenAlfred A. BartolucciKaran P. Singh, and Sejong Bae (US): Using a Classification Tree to Associate Risk Factors with Farm Injury

Laiyun Sheng (China): China Rural Labour Force Migration on The Impact and Effectiveness of Economy



Challenge in Data Needs - Models

Aree Wiboonpongse and Songsak Sriboonchitta (Thailand): The Comparative Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Jasmine Rice Production in Thailand Using Survey and Measurement Data

Lingyan Wu and Zhongmin Li (China): Analysis of China's Agricultural Input-Output Structure from 1997 to 2002

Stanley Wood (US) and Peter Hazell (UK): Perennial Problems and Innovative Options for Improved Data to Support Agricultural Policy and Investment Modelling

Chuanfa GuoCarl Schroeder and Janell Kause (USDA): Challenges in Data Needs for Assessment of Food Product Risk and Attribution of Foodborne Illnesses to Food Products in the United States



Challenge in Data Needs - Scientific Research

Elena Cebrian Calvo and Jacqueline McGlade (EU): The Perspective of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and the Environment

Robert Smith (Statistics Canada): The SEEA as a Tool for Agricultural Statistics

Jairo Castano (FAO): Sustainable Timber Trade: are Discrepancies in Trade Data Reliable Indicators of Illegal Activities?



Integration of Agricultural Statistics - Organization


Inger Eklund (Sweden): The System of Official Statistics in Sweden

Qingwei Peng and Suli Xing (China): A Study and Application of Sample Surveys on the Vegetable Industry in China

Clementine Ananaga Messina (Cameroon): Agricultural Statistics: Who Should be in Charge - The National Institute of Statistics or the Ministry of Agriculture?

Yury Akatkin (Russia): Should Agricultural Statistics Be Responsibility Of National Statistics Services Or Ministries Of Agriculture?



Methodology and Technology - Forecasting

Roberto BenedettiPaolo Postiglione and Federica Piersimoni (Italy): A Spatial Method for the Forecast of Agricultural Data

WenJun ZhangGuoDao LiuChangJun Bai (China): A Forecast Analysis on Global Production of Staple Crops

Olugbemi Olujimi and Ayodele Adegbite (Nigeria): Evaluation of Some Concomitant Yield Variable in Some Improved Soybean



Agricultural and Rural Statistical Development - Typology

Edoardo Pizzoli and Xiaoning Gong (FAO): How to Best Classify Rural and Urban?

Vassiliki BenakiEmmanuel Alexandrakis, andConstantinos Apostolopoulos (Greece): Entrepreneurial Parameters and Classification – Typology for Rural Areas

Guoliang Hu (China): The New Criteria for Dividing Urban-Rural Area on the Integrated Urban and Rural Development in Wuhan City, China



Agricultural Surveys and Censuses - Scope

Hiek Som (FAO): World Programme for the Census of Agriculture 2010

Hubert Charlier (EU): The EU Farm Structure Surveys from 2010 Onwards

Allan Nicholls (Australia): Potential Changes to Scope of Agricultural Surveys and Censuses in the Australian Context

Robert T. Bass (US): The 2005 U.S. Census of Aquaculture:  Broadening the Scope to Meet Data Needs



Data Quality & Comparability - Database

Denis Chartrand (Canada): How to Build an Integrated Database in Agriculture and Food: The Farm Income and Prices Section Database – A Case Study

James JohnsonGlenn SchaibleUtpal Vasavada (US): Integrating Economic Surveys in Agriculture: Lessons Learned from the ARMS-CEAP Survey

T.A. Dharmratne (Sri Lanka): Agricultural Statistics: The Sri Lankan Experiences of Developing Agricultural Market Information Services for Small Farmers (Commodity Price Reporting System)

Juan Manuel Galarza (Mexico): Agri-Food Chain Information System – SISPRO



New Domains & Dimensions - Input

Pierre Nadin and Johan Selenius (Eurostat): Recent Developments in EU Statistics on Pesticides, Fertilizers and Water

Robert Mayo (FAO): Fertilizer Data Collection, Processing and Dissemination: Experiences from the New Fertilizer Domain in FAOSTAT

Alberto J. Palombo (Brazil): The Importance of Developing Demand-Side Agricultural Statistics for Sustainable Resource Planning and Management: A Reflection from the Perspective of the National Water Resources Plan (PNRH) of Brazil