
Training workshop on agricultural producer prices


2 to 4 March 2015, Kampala, Uganda

The workshop, organized for the personnel of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), the Ministry of Agriculture and the Central Bank of Uganda, will provide an opportunity for participants to work together and learn about producer price statistics under the guidance of a Senior Statistician and a Price Consultant from FAO  Headquarters.


Since UBOS is not currently collecting producer prices, this workshop is meant to build capacity for their staff and provide them with a theoretical framework for the producer price data collection and compilation. In particular, the presentations will cover:

i. General overview of the uses and users of Agricultural Producer Price data and related indicators: participants will be given an introduction on key users and uses of national agricultural producer price data and on key producer price statistics and indicators; they will understand how the domestic context impact the statistical programme and the final statistical outputs and how the uses of producer price data impact the statistical programme design; and they will learn how to design, monitor and evaluate an agricultural producer price statistics programme using a quality assurance framework.

ii. Data Collection – Approaches, Challenges and Planning Considerations: participants will learn how to define a data collection strategy based on data uses and agricultural/institutional context in Uganda; they will understand how to support the statistical programme with sufficient efficiency and quality control; they will discuss national/international classifications and best practices relating to price data collection; and they will learn how to design a draft domestic producer price questionnaire.

iii. Agricultural Producer Price Indices: participants will understand the different methods available to compile producer price indices (PPIs); their relative merits and existing best international practices; they will evaluate different approaches to impute missing data; they will compile elementary price indices and national agricultural PPIs; and they will understand the limitations of the national PPIs compiled.



Sangita Dubey 
Senior Statistician
Economic Statistics
Statistics Division
Phone: +39 06 570-55890

Fabiana Cerasa
Price Statistician
Economic Statistics
Statistics Division
Phone: +39 06 570-55890


Project: GTF/RAF/465/ITA - Strengthening capacity of selected member countries of the East African Community in agricultural statistics for food security