Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)

Emergencias y resiliencia

 El GANESAN ahora está desarrollando la tercera nota, que ha sido renombrada “Nota sobre cuestiones críticas, emergentes y duraderas” (CCED), reconociendo que algunos de los problemas clave que afectan a la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición perduran en el tiempo, para la preparación del PTPA 2024-2027.

3ª Nota del GANESAN sobre Cuestiones críticas, emergentes y duraderas - consulta sobre el borrador V0

En octobre 2013, le Comité de la sécurité alimentaire mondiale (CSA) demanda à son Groupe d’experts de haut niveau sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (HLPE) d’établir une Note sur les questions critiques et émergentes dans les domaines de la sécurité alimentaire et de la nutrition. En octobre 2015, à l’occasion de sa 42e session plénière, le CSA que cette note du HLPE serait mise à jour au moins tous les quatre ans. Le HLPE prépare actuellement la présente note afin de contribuer au processus d’élaboration du programme de travail pluriannuel suivant du CSA (PTPA) pour 2024-2027. La présente version-martyre de la note est soumise à une consultation électronique sur le Forum FSN du 25 avril au 17 mai 2022.

Webinar: Climate change, peace and food security. A holistic approach for a sustainable future

Disruptive weather patterns and climate change have a direct bearing on global food security, so a better understanding of such complex systems is crucial to fighting hunger and poverty.

During the virtual event "Climate change, peace and food security. A holistic approach for a sustainable future", the 2021 Nobel Laureate in Physics, Giorgio Parisi, will be invited to join the FAO Nobel Laureates Alliance for Food Security and Peace and will deliver a lecture entitled: "Science: the headlight on our future".

Parisi was awarded the Nobel prize for "the discovery of the interplay of disorder and fluctuations in physical systems from atomic to planetary scales".

The event will be opened by the Director-General, with interventions from Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy, and Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Laureate.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 19 January, 11:00 - 13:00 CET.

Register here.


Efectos locales de la pandemia de COVID-19 para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición - Encuesta del Grupo de alto nivel de expertos en seguridad alimentaria y nutrición (GANESAN)

El GANESAN ha actualizado y ampliado recientemente sus análisis anteriores de las principales tendencias que afectan los sistemas alimentarios que han resultado de COVID-19 y los bloqueos asociados. La presente encuesta tiene como objetivo de completar este análisis general al permitir una comprensión a escalas geográficas más finas de las consecuencias de la pandemia para la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición.

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Respuestas de la encuesta: 120
Convocatorias para la presentación de temas

Llamamiento a la acción: acabar con el trabajo infantil en la agricultura con ayuda de las partes interesadas del sector agrícola

El Llamamiento a la acción tiene como objetivo captar y reconocer el compromiso, la responsabilidad y los esfuerzos de las partes interesadas para abordar el trabajo infantil en la agricultura, y dar impulso a una actuación más coordinada a nivel local, nacional y mundial.

18-22 January: Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2021

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is an international conference on central issues of global agricultural and food policies, held in Berlin on an annual basis. The 2021 event will take place virtually on 18–22 January focusing on the topic of how can agriculture provide the world with food in the long-term for a balanced diet despite pandemics and climate change.

As in the past years, FAO will participate in the GFFA at several levels, including the following events:

CFS: Water and climate recommendations to feed the world

18 January 2021, 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. (CET)

The discussion, organized jointly by FAO and the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), will look at water as the primary medium through which we all feel the effects of climate change.

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Managing city region food systems – Enhancing strength and resilience against pandemics and climate change

19 January 2021, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. (CET)

The joint panel discussion of FAO and the Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems, will provide a forum for urban and national representatives to share experiences and review how the City Region Food Systems approach has helped them deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to define a vision on the way forward.

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How can innovation help strengthen the sustainability of food systems and prevent future pandemics?

19 January 2021, 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (CET)

The panel will bring together a group of high-level policy makers, including FAO Director-General QU Dongyu, to discuss the impacts of the pandemic on food and agriculture and the role of innovation in this respect.

More information

Attending these virtual events is free of charge, it only requires prior registration through the GFFA website here.

Informes y resúmenes

Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity

This study, the third of its type published by FAO, adds further evidence that in mountain regions of developing countries, food insecurity, social isolation, environmental degradation, exposure to the risk of disasters and to the impacts of climate change, and limited access to basic services...

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