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I am wiring near the deadline for responses. It is great that they are transparent, but it seems that you have 55 write-in responses nearly all of which address only one or two of the 21 questions you posed and few (if any) of the responses contain more text than the questions. Next time, consider a GoogleForm or Survey Monkey tool approach. Here are some responses to the questions (in ALL CAPS).
Mr. Bill Jeffery
I am attaching the template with the pro forma information added and the spreadsheet pertaining to the submission files a few moments ago. Ironically, spreadsheets are not acceptable forms of documents for uploads to the FAO consultation website, so I have converted it to a PDF.
Mr. Bill Jeffery
Please consider the attached comments on the State of Food and Agriculture 2023.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Jeffery, Centre for Health Science and Law