Dr. Justin Chisenga
Strengthening capacities of representatives of youth organizations in agriculture and rural development in Africa to be able to effectively support capacity development initiatives targeting their members, networks or communities.
Justin is Capacity Development Officer and Team Leader - Partnerships with Academia and Research Institutions at the FAO headquarters. His work focuses on a). Enhancing capacities of FAO technical officers to integrate good capacity development (CD) practices in their work to ensure sustainable results and lasting change in FAO member States; b). Leading and supporting capacity needs/gaps assessment and design of CD interventions c). Facilitating knowledge exchange on good CD practices and approaches, methods and tools; and d). Leading the establishment of strategic and transformative partnerships with academia and research institutions.
Justin holds a PhD in Information Science from the Rand Afrikaans University (South Africa), a Master’s degree in Development Studies from the University of the Free State (South Africa) and another Master’s degree in Information Science from the Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia).
Dr. Justin Chisenga
Dear All,
Thank you all for your contributions to this online consultation, a pre-event to the regional conference on Youth Employment in Agriculture as a Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa” to take place on 20-21 August, in Kigali, Rwanda.
The consultation is now closed. The next steps are as follows:
After the Kigali conference, we will arrange to follow-up with some of you, to hear more about and document your stories/successes.
Again, thank you all for the contributions.
Justin Chisenga
Lead Facilitator
Dr. Justin Chisenga
Dear All,
Thank you to you all for sharing your stories (and stories of youth that you know) in agriculture and for highlighting the issues/questions that you would what to be considered/addressed at the Rwanda Youth Conference.
I want to hear more about major achievements and success stories by youth in your countries. Here is a question that I have re-phrased to elicit more information:
Based on the contributions of the following colleagues, I have questions for them:
Justin Chisenga
Lead Facilitator
Dr. Justin Chisenga
Dear All,
Thank you to colleagues that have set the ball rolling with their contributions to the discussion.
As you prepare your contributions, please remember the objectives of this discussion and, as much as possible, to focus your contributions on the questions that have been put up for discussion. This way, we will be able to have something to contribute to the Rwanda Youth Conference in August.
Justin Chisenga