
The Steering committee oversees all the frameworks, bodies and activities of GBEP, including:
- the technical working group, which discusses and develops the GBEP programme of work, to make suggestions to the steering committee about further activities of the partnership;
- the task force on sustainability, which developed the GBEP Indicators to monitor and measure the sustainability of bioenergy pathways at environmental, social and economic level;
- the task force on greenhouse gases (GHG) methodologies, which developed a methodological framework to assess GHG emissions associated with bioenergy; and
- the working group on capacity building, which promotes the dissemination, use and implementation of the outcomes of GBEP work in all thematic areas.
Related events@Model.TitleStyle>

Hybrid Event, Roma (Italy)
Steering committee
GBEP Annual Meetings 2024
05/11/2024 - 07/11/2024
The 2024 Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) Annual Meetings will take place from 5-7 November at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy.

Bioenergy week
GBEP-YUNGA Bioenergy Youth Day
The first-ever GBEP-YUNGA Bioenergy Youth Day, held in Rome on June 17, 2024, gathered over 90 young participants to explore sustainable bioenergy....

Hybrid Event
Bioenergy week
Tenth Bioenergy Week
24/10/2023 - 27/10/2023
In 2023, the 10th Bioenergy Week focuses on sustainable bioenergy integration in food production chains, aiding the development of bioenergy policies...
Hybrid Event, Roma (Italy)
21st Task Force on Sustainability meeting
The 21st Meeting of the GBEP Task...

Hybrid Event
Steering committee
28th Steering committee meeting
The 28th Steering committee meeting was held at FAO...

Virtual Event
27th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee
Partners and Observers met for the 27th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee.

Virtual Event
20th Meeting of the GBEP Task Force on Sustainability
20th meeting of GBEP's Task Force on Sustainability.

Virtual Event
14th Meeting of the GBEP Working Group on Capacity Building for Sustainable Bioenergy
The WGCB raises awareness of the potential benefits of sustainable modern bioenergy through multiple means, including workshops, study tours, public...

Asunción (Paraguay)
Bioenergy week
Ninth Bioenergy Week - Paraguay
26/09/2022 - 29/09/2022
The 2022 Bioenergy Week focused on bioenergy's contribution to the sustainable energy transition, and provided to support the design and implementation...

Virtual Event
26th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee: Special Session
Partners and Observers met for the 26th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee.

Virtual Event
25th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee: Special Session
Partners and Observers met for the 25th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee.

Virtual Event
Special event at the World Forestry Congress 2022: Sustainable bioenergy for energy transition towards net zero emissions
The special event, organised in collaboration with FAO and IRENA, enhanced understanding of the future role of forests in contributing to access to...

Virtual Event
24th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee
Partners and Observers met for the 24th Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee.

Virtual Event
19th Meeting of the GBEP Task force on Sustainability
29th meeting of GBEP's Task Force on Sustainability.

Virtual Event
13th Meeting of the GBEP Working Group on Capacity Building for Sustainable Bioenergy
The Working Group on Capacity Building raises awareness of the potential benefits of sustainable modern bioenergy through multiple means, including...

Virtual Event
UNIDO Expert Group Meeting, Clean Cooking: Potential for bioethanol Industries in High impact Countries
23/06/2021 - 25/06/2021
UNIDO and Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA), in partnership with UN-ESCAP, AU and GBEP are organizing an expert group meeting of key policy and decision...

Virtual Event
Bioenergy week
Eight Bioenergy Week - Ethiopia
16/03/2021 - 18/03/2021
The conference offers a platform to draw positive experiences on sustainable production and use of bioenergy integrated within food production value...

Virtual Event
18th Meeting of the GBEP Task Force on Sustainability
28th meeting of GBEP's Task Force on Sustainability.

Virtual Event
23rd Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee
Partners and Observers met for the 23rd Meeting of the GBEP Steering Committee.

Virtual Event
12th Meeting of the GBEP Working Group on Capacity Building for Sustainable Bioenergy
The Working Group...
Related news@Model.TitleStyle>

Steering committee
GBEP partners and observers take stock of progress and set new priorities for advancing sustainable bioenergy
Partner and observer countries and organizations of the Global Bioenergy Partnership convened at FAO headquarters earlier this month to review the...

Bioenergy week
Advancing sustainable bioenergy: Key takeaways from the 11th GBEP Bioenergy Week
Over 200 stakeholders, including international experts, policymakers, industry leaders, researchers and students, gathered at the Food and Agriculture...

Bioenergy week
11th GBEP Bioenergy Week: FAO stresses the need to ensure sustainability of bioenergy in achieving climate goals and SDGs
Participants in the event include over 100 stakeholders including country representatives, experts, industry leaders and researchers

Bioenergy week
FAO, with GBEP, and YUNGA join forces to engage youth in advocating for renewable energy and climate action
As part of efforts to engage and empower youth to drive transformative change, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through...

Save the date: GBEP governance events 14 and 15 November 2023
On 14 and 15 November, the GBEP members and observer will meet online for key governance events, namely: the 29th Steering Committee; the 22nd...
GBEP Secretariat
Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy