Se están organizando cientos de actividades y actos en todo el mundo para promover el Año Internacional del Mijo. Haga clic en el mapa de abajo para encontrar una actividad o un acto cerca de usted.
Todos (organizaciones no gubernamentales, periodistas, gobiernos, ciudades, miembros de la sociedad civil, organizaciones de investigación y desarrollo o particulares) pueden aprovechar esta oportunidad para hacer un llamamiento a la acción.
Planee un acto en línea o presencial del #IYM2023 o proporcione información al respecto en sus canales. Contáctenos si necesita ayuda: podemos proporcionarle una variedad de materiales promocionales en varios idiomas, desde carteles hasta diseños para objetos conmemorativos, vídeos, tiras publicitarias sobre los actos... No olvide incluir su acto en el mapa y crear una página de libre acceso sobre el acto (para ello, rellene el formulario que encontrará más abajo).
The Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) held the Millet Seedling Farming and Mechanized Cultivation Demonstration...
Evento virtual
The discussion will feature speakers sharing examples from indigenous/tribal contexts to demonstrate how millet can help communities increase their...
池上 (台灣)
To enhance millet growers’ seedling cultivation and transplanting techniques and to push with the development of special crops in Indigenous communities...
Gering (United States)
Promoting Millets through Interdisciplinary Research: New Varieties and New Markets for a better Tomorrow!
Visakhapatnam (India)
The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is the Apex Food Regulator of India and a Statutory Organization under the Ministry of Health...
Mumbai (India)
पृथ्वी चे शेतकरी - A first-of-its-kind Marathi musical play performed and crafted by 20+ talented artists and award-winning theatre makers is presented...
Evento híbrido
Presentation by Lesley Carnero Aros (nutritionist) of 100 Recetas nutri-mijo para combatir la desnutrición, a recipe book on millet to combat...
Chiyoda City (Japan)
(1) Tasting of “Mottainai” menu and millets dishes, celebrating the International Year of Millets.
(2) Lectures and Discussions on Food...
Berlin (Germany)
The Humboldt University of Berlin (Judith Henze and Marcel Robischon) and the Ensemble Salon Fähig (Ines Theileis, Philip Mosebach and Milorad...
Evento híbrido, New Delhi (India)
Wholsum Foods' Impact Report represents the first step in a long term vision - for 2033 and beyond, and a collective journey to a healthy, equitable,...
Evento híbrido, Lagos (Nigeria)
AQAN Forum is a premier Strategies forum transforming the future of agricultural markets and value chain development. The Forum is the brainchild...
Evento virtual
Join this webinar to learn more about the historical, anthropological, archaeological aspects of millets and their evolving heritage today!
Evento híbrido, Abuja (Nigeria)
Highlighting the potential of millets to improve food security and nutrition, promote sustainable agricultural practices,...
Grand Island (United States)
This event features cooking demonstrations and research presentations in regard to health impacts of sorghum and millets in human diets.
Evento híbrido, Gunupur (India)
In order to celebrate the International Year of Millets, GIET University organized...
Evento virtual
This webinar will review the sustainability aspects of growing millet, including the reduced need for inputs (e.g., water, fertilizer, pesticides),...
南投縣 (台灣)
The Taipei Botanical Garden, Forestry Research Institute is proudly at the forefront of the International Millet Year celebrations, marked by a special...
Dehradun (India)
This international conference will offer a venue for scientists, academics, and industry professionals to network and exchange knowledge about millets....
Dehradun (India)
Millets: For Sustainable Food System and Climate Adaptation
Presente su acto en el mapa interactivo (para ello, rellene el formulario que encontrará más abajo). Contáctenos si su acto no aparece en el mapa en un plazo de tres días.