Se están organizando cientos de actividades y actos en todo el mundo para promover el Año Internacional del Mijo. Haga clic en el mapa de abajo para encontrar una actividad o un acto cerca de usted.
Todos (organizaciones no gubernamentales, periodistas, gobiernos, ciudades, miembros de la sociedad civil, organizaciones de investigación y desarrollo o particulares) pueden aprovechar esta oportunidad para hacer un llamamiento a la acción.
Planee un acto en línea o presencial del #IYM2023 o proporcione información al respecto en sus canales. Contáctenos si necesita ayuda: podemos proporcionarle una variedad de materiales promocionales en varios idiomas, desde carteles hasta diseños para objetos conmemorativos, vídeos, tiras publicitarias sobre los actos... No olvide incluir su acto en el mapa y crear una página de libre acceso sobre el acto (para ello, rellene el formulario que encontrará más abajo).
Evento híbrido, (Peru)
The students of the Nutrition and Dietetics course of the Universidad Privada del Norte, Lima Sur (UPN) elaborated innovative foods enriched with...
Evento virtual
The 'Abundance in Millets' song, performed by Mumbai-born singer-songwriter...
Evento virtual
On the occasion of the International Year of Millets 2023, the Secretariat of FAO’s International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and...
London (United Kingdom)
Being part of a series of related industry events under the banner “London Grains Week”, the International Grains Conference is a truly global platform...
Evento virtual
This webinar will describe the different varieties of millets and how they were domesticated over millennia, where they are grown, as well as provide...
Montpellier (France)
Evento virtual
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)...
Durban (South Africa)
FAO Nepal offered a delicious and nutritious Millets Pancake to the visitors of the eco fair.
Evento virtual
Beginning June 1 and running through August 31, 2023, UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (UNSDSN) invite youth to submit photos of millets....
Budapest (Hungary)
The Embassy of India in Hungary, in cooperation with FAO, the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences,...
Budapest (Hungary)
Embassy of India, in cooperation with UN FAO, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Hungary, University of Agriculture MATE and Budapest Business School...
Kathmandu (Nepal)
Nepal is celebrating the International Year of Millets with an amazing millets promotion banner on the LED Screen at Tripureshwor, at the heart of Kathmandu...
Evento virtual
The United Nations has declared 2023 the International Year of Millets — small grains mostly grown in parts of Asia and Africa. The highly resilient...
Amanzimtoti (South Africa)
The dynamic Amanzimtoti Primary organized an Eco-day for schools and eco-groups in their neighbourhood including an interactive stand on millets...
Scandicci (Italy)
Organized on the National Day of AgroBiodiversity and World Biodiversity Day, the three-day Festival will highlight the critical contribution of...
Awareness raising and promotion of millets as future smart crops
Evento híbrido, Chengdu (China)
To improve development of miscellaneous grain industry, the forum will report and discuss topics about miscellaneous grain sciences and human health....
Evento virtual
Dubbed as ‘nutritious crops’ by nutritionists, ‘future crops’ by environmentalists, and hailed as ‘miracle crops’ by dryland farmers, millets have been...
Presente su acto en el mapa interactivo (para ello, rellene el formulario que encontrará más abajo). Contáctenos si su acto no aparece en el mapa en un plazo de tres días.