Mountain Partnership
©Ana Maria Vela Lostaunau

Join us

Governments and organizations that join the Mountain Partnership must be committed to advancing sustainable mountain development. They must also be willing and able to engage in dialogue and work with fellow Mountain Partnership members to champion the cause of sustainable mountain development.

Membership criteria

The criteria for establishing and maintaining membership of the Mountain Partnership include:

  • Endorsement of the vision, mission and guiding principles of the Mountain Partnership;
  • Active involvement in sustainable mountain development;
  • Be a formal entity with a proven level of stability in terms of funding and organizational capacity;
  • Nomination a focal point for regular interaction with members and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat;
  • Willingness to join forces and cooperate with other Mountain Partnership members;
  • Ability to access information and communication technologies to participate effectively in Mountain Partnership activities;
  • Access to resources (financial, in-kind or both) within the organization to invest in sustainable mountain development and to play an active role in the Mountain Partnership; and
  • Willingness to fulfill the membership roles and responsibilities, as defined in the Mountain Partnership governance.

How to apply

Interested governments and organizations may apply to become members by filling out the application form, indicating the requested details about your government, group or organization as well as how you intend to contribute to achieving the mission of the Mountain Partnership.

In the interest of transparency and the full participation of all members, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat may share the information you provide with other members.

Once requests have been approved by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, new members are sent an official welcome letter within 3-4 months.

By applying for membership, you confirm that you hereby accept the terms and conditions described in the FAO Data Protection and Privacy Notice. Mountain Partnership Focal Points and Alternate Focal Points' titles and contact information will be listed publicly on your member detail page so that other members can contact you for potential joint collaborations and actions to promote sustainable mountain development. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about how your personal data is processed by us.

Membership application