Every year, mountain lovers around the world come together to celebrate International Mountain Day (IMD) on 11 December, with a multitude of events taking place far and wide. This year, at least 23 different countries across the world marked the day. From film screenings and conferences to com...
Non è raro imbattersi nel gruppo folkloristico di un paese lontano, a Roma: città cosmopolita, capitale, centro del cattolicesimo, sede di ambasciate e residenza per numerose comunità che tengono alle proprie tradizioni. Ma la danza guatemalteca messa in scena al Palazzo della FAO l’11 dicembr...
Tropoja, a small municipality in northern Albania, is optimizing its rich natural resources to promote sustainable tourism and economic growth. The area is quickly becoming a destination for various tourist activities, and is well-known for its high biodiversity, picturesque views and tourism ...