The Mountain Partnership members share a vision: a world in which sustainable mountain development receives greater public and private sector attention, commitment, engagement and investment.
The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) does not fund directly the activities of members. The main responsibility for accessing funds (e.g. preparing and presenting funding proposals) and fund raising will lie with members themselves.
However, the MPS recognizes that the need to identify financial resources to support activities is crucial. It provides members with information about the availability of funds for mountain activities from all possible sources on an on-going basis. The MPS stands ready to broker any resource mobilization request or proposal, facilitating contacts between countries and institutions and creating conditions for partnerships. The MPS also aims to create an enabling environment for technology transfer and South-South Cooperation mechanisms.
The Mountain Funding Database aims to support resource mobilization efforts of MP members by helping them locate global and local funding sources which are relevant to sustainable mountain development.
This web tool seeks to provide up-to-date information on potential resource partners particularly focusing on priority areas, funding modalities, eligibility criteria and contact information. It allows members to use search filters to efficiently locate funds based on geographical scope and thematic focus. It is constantly updated.
Areas of Interest
Education, training, policy, community
What they do
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to unlock the possibility inside every individual. The foundation sees equal value in all lives. And so it is dedicated to improving...
Areas of Interest
A) environmental policy for sustainable governance; B) integrated management of landscapes of Andean forests; C) management and restoration of Andean forests and d) biodiversity and ecology of Andean forests.
What they do
The cont...
Areas of Interest
Poverty, peace, hunger, food security and nutrition, education, gender, democratic governance, the environment and climate change, health.
What they do
The Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (AECID) –...
Areas of Interest
Poverty, environment and climate protection, peace, humanitarian aid, education, gender equality, governance-human rights-migration, water, energy and food security, private sector and development
What they do
Austrian Development...
Areas of Interest
Poverty, sustainability
What they do
The purpose of the Australian Government’s aid program is to promote Australia’s national interests through contributing to economic growth and poverty reduction. The best way to reduce poverty...
Areas of Interest
Fish and wildlife resources of North America, research and public education initiatives, wildlife-habitat relationships, or human-wildlife interactions.
What they do
The American Wildlife Conservation Foundation (AWCF) provides gr...
Areas of Interest
Environment, community
What they do
The Burning Foundation has two areas of interest 1. Environmental Programmes: Organizations addressing issues in Washington and Oregon. Priority issue areas include protecting threatened rivers ...
Areas of Interest
Poverty, sustainability
What they do
Belgium strives for a peaceful and secure world where poverty is a thing of the past and where there are development opportunities for all. Belgium’s efforts therefore complement those of the i...
Areas of Interest
Disability Inclusion, Women’s Empowerment – education, leadership & entrepreneurship
What they do
The Arthur B. Schultz Foundation (ABSF) strives to advance the economic, social and cultural situation of women and girls living...
Areas of Interest
Animals, endangered species
What they do
Amphibians are an important component of the global ecosystem, as indicators of environmental health and contributors to human health. They watched the dinosaurs come and go, but today almo...
Areas of Interest
Forest, research, science
What they do
Bioversity International offers general fellowships to develop individual capacity in research for development, to contribute to generating and sharing knowledge, to build a network of scien...
Areas of Interest
Sustainability, community, environment
What they do
Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD) – French Agency for Development – has been entrusted with a mandate by the French national authorities to contribute to economic and socia...
Areas of Interest
Sustainability, science, agriculture, research
What they do
Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), as part of the Australian development assistance programme, contributes to the objectives of advancing ...
Areas of Interest
What they do
Alaska Conservation Foundation envisions an inspiring Alaska that is naturally thriving, biologically and culturally diverse, rich in wild lands, bountiful in terrestrial and marine life, sustainabl...
Strengthen climate-resilient approaches to agriculture and water management, with an emphasis on gender-sensitive approaches.
Areas of Interest
Agriculture and food security, civil society, early childhood, economic inclusion, education, health and nutrition
What they do
The agencies of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) are private, international, non-denominational...
Areas of Interest
What they do
The vision of the British Ecological Society (BES) is to advance ecology and make it count. At a time when finite natural resources are being used at increasing rates, it has never been more important for human...
Areas of Interest
Grants thematic areas are: 1) Body and health rights; 2) women’s economic security and justice; 3) leaderiship, participation and peace. Specialised funding to facilitate learning and networking opportunities and to celebrate the contributions and achievem...
Areas of Interest
Sustainability, environment, community
What they do
To safeguard the natural environment by promoting responsible human activities and sustainable communities in the Pacific Northwest. The Bullitt Foundation places high value on b...
Areas of Interest
Community, gender, culture, developing communities, disaster relief
What they do
Alwaleed Philanthropies Global (APG) supports and initiates projects that contribute to a more compassionate, tolerant and accepting world. APG colla...