Mountain Partnership
©FAO /  Alessia Pierdomenico

Joint action

The Mountain Partnership brokers joint activities, facilitating contacts between countries and institutions and creating conditions for partnerships, technical cooperation and resource mobilization at all levels.

Mountain Partnership members have the opportunity to network with each other and with resource partners committed to sustainable mountain development.

Many Mountain Partnership members are working together on activities and initiatives in support of mountains and mountain people across the world.

Examples of joint action
Five Years of Action
Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions

The main outcome of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022 was the declaration of 2023–2027 as Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions.

Mountain Partnership Products Initiative
Mountain Partnership Products Initiative

The certification and labelling scheme strengthens the resilience of mountain peoples, their economies and their ecosystems based on environmentally and ethically sound value chain approaches.