FAO Governing Bodies

Session Documents

The Finance Committee

The Finance Committee was first established as the "Committee on Financial Control" (CFC) at the 3rd Session of the FAO Conference in 1947, as a successor to the Sub-Committee on Finance. In 1958, its name was changed to the "Finance Committee". The size and structure of the Committee was modified at the 36th Session of the FAO Conference in 2009.

The Finance Committee assists the Council in exercising control over the financial administration of the Organization. Its functions are set out in Rule XXVII.7 of the General Rules of the Organization). It holds concurrent sessions with the Programme Committee, twice per year, and holds Joint Meetings with the Programme Committee to discuss matters which require review by both Committees.

  • Council of the Organization (Vol.1, Art. V.6)
  • Finance Committee (Vol.1, Sec.B: GRO, Rule XXVII)
  • Rules of Procedure (Vol.1, Sec.F.)

FAO Basic Texts (2017)

Mr Mina Rizk (Egypt)

July 2023 - June 2025


Mr David McSherry

Senior Finance Officer

Finance Division


The Finance Committee is comprised of a Chairperson and 12 Member Nations of the Organization, elected by the Council at its session immediately following the regular session of the Conference. The Council elects the Members of the Committee as follows: i) two Member Nations from each of the following regions: Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean and the Near East; ii) one Member Nation from each of the following regions: North America and Southwest Pacific.

Members are elected for a period of two years and they are eligible for reappointment.


Current term of office: July 2023 - June 2025

  • Australia (Ms Emma Hatcher)
  • China (Mr LI Bo)*
  • Congo (Mr Bienvenu Ntsouanva)
  • Dominican Republic (Ms Berioska Morrison González)
  • India (Mr Jujjavarapu Balaji)
  • Kuwait (Mr Sultan Alotaibi)*
  • Mexico (Mr Miguel Jorge García Winder)*
  • Morocco (Mr Abdellah Larhmaid)
  • Oman (Ms Fadia Aljamal)
  • Sweden (Ms Pernilla Ivarsson)*
  • United Kingdom (Mr Christopher Mace)*
  • United States of America (Mr Rodney M. Hunter)*


Membership Information

*Please see the list of Substitute Representatives for the current sessions.


200th Session of the Finance Committee / 29-31 May 2024

199th Session of the Finance Committee / 20-24 May 2024

198th Session of the Finance Committee / 6-10 November 2023

197th Session of the Finance Committee / 30-31 October 2023

Upcoming Session: 201st Session of the Finance Committee

4-5 November 2024

Contact Us

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