GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture

Countries with unfavourable prospects for current crops

Countries with unfavourable prospects for current crops are countries where prospects point to a shortfall in production of current crops as a result of a reduction of the area planted and/or yields due to adverse weather conditions, plant pests, diseases and other calamities.  GIEWS updates this list three times a year (four times before 2023)

July 2024
  (total: 12 countries)
Main Reasons
Changes from last report
Unfavourable weather
Unfavourable weather
Unfavourable weather
Unfavourable weather
Weather extremes
Unfavourable weather
Unfavourable weather
Limited availability of agricultural inputs and localized unfavourable weather
Unfavourable weather
Unfavourable weather
Insecurity and limited availability of agricultural inputs
Unfavourable weather