
Resource Partners
14 Jan 2020
Japan has been among FAO’s foremost partners since the country joined the Organization in 1951, working to build food security and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources. The country’s financial contributions, expertise and human capital are vital to FAO’s work on a broad range of topics, including international standard-setting, climate change mitigation and adaptation, response to transboundary plant and animal pests and diseases, nutrition, Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS), emergency response and resilience building.
Private Sector
01 Jan 2020
“Mano de la mano” es una iniciativa de la FAO, basada en evidencias, dirigida por y bajo responsabilidad de los países, para acelerar la transformación agrícola y el desarrollo rural sostenible con el fin de erradicar la pobreza (ODS 1) y poner fin al hambre y a todas las formas de malnutrición (ODS 2). Con ello, se contribuye a alcanzar todos los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible. La iniciativa da prioridad a países en que la capacidad nacional y el apoyo internacional son más limitados, o donde los problemas operativos -incluidas las crisis naturales o provocadas por el hombre, son mayores....
South-south Cooperation
25 Nov 2019
南南合作旨在推动发展中国家互相分享和交流发展解决方案,包括知识、经验和优秀实践经验、政策、技术和资源。 本材料介绍了粮农组织与中国在过去十年紧密合作,在促进南南合作方面取得的累累硕果。在2009-2019年间,中国和粮农组织通过一项特别协议和粮农组织-中国南南合作计划,在国家和全球范围内协调努力,以提高发展中国家能力,实现《2030年议程》中的可持续发展目标。 数百名中国专家和技术人员走进基层村庄,与农民手拉手开展合作,引进了数百项技术创新,提高了农民的生产率、产量和收入,以可持续方式改善他们的粮食安全和生计。 本材料着重介绍了发展中国家在克服发展挑战方面可以通过怎样的方式相互激励、相互支持,同时展示了南南合作的头十年在促进包括私营部门、学术界、民间社会和联合国驻罗马三机构在内的不同参与方建立包容性伙伴关系方面的工作
South-south Cooperation
25 Nov 2019
The People’s Republic of China (China) has been one of FAO’s main partners in the promotion of South-South and triangular cooperation. In terms of cooperation among developing countries, China upholds the principles of equality and mutual trust, building equal partnerships with parity of ownership and responsibility, mutual benefit and win–win cooperation, which are highly valued by FAO. The brochure is also available here.
Resource Partners
08 Nov 2019
The 2019 Report of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) examines the role of the TCP to deliver FAO technical assistance for agriculture, food and nutrition in response to countries’ most pressing needs. The first in a new series of annual TCP reports, it provides insights to FAO Members, governments and other stakeholders on the tangible and lasting achievements of TCP-funded projects completed in 2018. It also features a foreword by the Director-General, setting the tone for the further development of the Programme.