
03 May 2022
Se trata de un documento público generado en el marco del Decenio de la Agricultura Familiar y apoyado por la Cooperación Española.
Santiago de Chile – La FAO y la Cooperación Española publicaron una nota de orientación jurídica sobre cómo legislar para promover la Agricultura Familiar.  El objetivo del documento público es motivar la acción parlamentaria en la materia y  poner a disposición un instrumento de referencia, como material de apoyo, para la generación de leyes nacionales y regionales.  
25 Apr 2022
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) and the University of Zambia (UNZA) will host a “Public Policy Cycles for Family Farming Training Program for State and Non-State Actors in Zambia” in Siavonga, Zambia from 25 – 29 April, 2022. The training will complement other capacity building efforts by various actors in the country for agricultural policy formulation for government officials, private sector, academia, among others. 
14 Apr 2022
Partnership with World Rural Forum
In order to promote some of the work FAO has been undertaking in partnership with civil society organizations (CSOs), the CSO Partnerships team of the FAO Partnerships and UN Collaboration Division has been putting together a small series of short publications, highlighting some of the successful collaborations of recent years. The third brief of the...
13 Apr 2022
Se trata de un espacio Eurolat que también cuenta con la colaboración de la Cooperación Española y la AMEXCID
En el marco de la XIV Sesión Plenaria de la Asamblea Parlamentaria Euro-Latinoamericana (EUROLAT) convocada, este 2022, en Buenos Aires, bajo el lema "Una recuperación económica justa, inclusiva y en paz", se conformó hoy el Grupo de Trabajo Parlamentario Eurolatinoamericano por la Seguridad Alimentaria.  El...
11 Apr 2022
Legal frameworks are essential to anchor policy efforts for family farming into inclusive and sustainable agri-food systems.
The United Nations Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 (UNDFF) underscores the importance of family farming for achieving food security and adequate nutrition through inclusive and sustainable agri-food systems. Family farming brings benefits to rural people and territories, favouring economic and physical access to adequate food for all as well as safeguarding biodiversity and the environment. Moreover, it is paramount to coherently strengthen legislative and institutional frameworks across all the relevant policy areas of family farming to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.