
Parliamentary Front Against Hunger - CARICOM Parliamentarians

Parliamentary alliances

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Sub-Regional Office for the Caribbean, hosted parliamentarians from 13 CARICOM Member States to address the issues of food insecurity, hunger and malnutrition in the region. Member States represented were: Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, [...]

Joyce - A Kenyan fishfarming entrepreneur - Africa Solidarity Trust Fund stories

South-south Cooperation

This video tells the story of Joyce, an inspiring and entrepreneurial Kenyan fish farmer who has overcome many challenges to develop a thriving Tilapia and Catfish farming business. FAO and the ASTF fund are supporting aquaculture programs in Kenya with [...]


El capital humano y la experiencia técnica cubana, a disposición de países africanos a través de la cooperación Sur-Sur

South-south Cooperation

Julio Andres García Pérez, Viceministro cubano de Agricultura, 

The African Solidarity Trust Fund (ASTF)

Resource Partners

This video tells the story of Joyce, an inspiring and entrepreneurial Kenyan fish farmer who has overcome many challenges to develop a thriving Tilapia and Catfish farming business. FAO and the ASTF fund are supporting aquaculture programs in Kenya with the aim to increase local fish production to fulfil local [...]


FAO y Costa Rica sellan su compromiso con la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular para el desarrollo agrícola

South-south Cooperation

Ivannia Quesada Villalobos, Viceministra de Agricultura y Ganadería de Costa Rica

China - FAO South-South Cooperation: Promoting Inclusive and Sustainable Development

South-south Cooperation

The 40th session of the FAO Conference hosted a side event on “China-FAO South-South Cooperation: promoting inclusive and sustainable development” .


• Marcela Villarreal, OPC Director, chaired this side-event.   

• Opening remarks, by José Graziano da Silva, FAO Director General 

• Opening remarks, by H.E. Niu Dun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of [...]

The Bilateral Trust Fund (BTF) A strong Partnership between Germany and FAO for Global Food Security and Nutrition

Resource Partners

This video celebrates the achievements of the Fund and the collaboration with FAO for the last 15th years. It is an anniversary video as the Fund celebrates its 15th year in 2017, which shows that financing projects with seed money can make a big difference.

Acuerdo FAO-Uruguay para impulsar la Cooperación Sur-Sur


Declaraciones del Embajador de Uruguay en Italia, Gastón Lasarte, sobre el acuerdo firmado con FAO.

FAO and Norway`s partnership for the Oceans

Resource Partners

In march 2017 FAO and Norway launched a brand new, state-of-the-art marine studies vessel, among the most advanced of its kind — and the only research ship on the globe that flies the UN flag. Its mission: To investigate some of the planet's least-explored oceans, using cutting-edge technology and sophisticated equipment [...]

FAO and World Bank step up partnership to end hunger and poverty

Resource Partners

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Bank are strengthening their cooperation to end hunger and poverty at global and national levels.