
FAO + Canada. Building resilience and empowering women for food and nutrition security.

Resource Partners

Together we are… enhancing gender equality and empowering women and girls, promoting science, fair trade and inclusive value chains, fostering natural resource management, supporting innovative partnerships to build resilience, bridging humanitarian and development objectives, …and strengthening food safety and inclusive governance.

FAO + Canada initiatives have worked to…

  1. Ensure decent work for [...]

FAO + New Zealand: Advancing food security and resilience

Resource Partners

Together we are… supporting a more inclusive and resilient Pacific, promoting sustainable resource management and food systems, and fostering food security and trade.

FAO + New Zealand initiatives have worked to…

  1. Increase resilience and response to crises
  2. Build lasting peace and sustainable development
  3. Restore the livelihoods of farmers, livestock holders and fisherfolk, and
  4. Encourage multi-stakeholder [...]

FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme: Voices from the Field

South-south Cooperation

Highlighting the voices of beneficiary farmers and smallholders, as well as FAO Director-General QU Dongyu, this video demonstrates the grassroots impact of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation Programme over the last ten years. Farmers from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mongolia and Uganda share their experiences with the Programme, describing [...]